MassRand {climwin} | R Documentation |
Example output dataframe from function randwin.
Output file from function randwin
using temperature and mass data.
Generated with Mass
and MassClimate
A data frame with 5 rows and 21 variables.
- deltaAICc
Difference between model AICc of fitted climate window and a null model containing no climate.
- WindowOpen
The start day of each tested climate window. Furthest from the biological record.
- WindowClose
The end day of each tested climate window. Closest to the biological record.
- ModelBeta
Beta estimate of the relationship between temperature and mass.
- Std.Error
Standard error term for linear model betas.
- ModelBetaQ
Quadratic beta estimate of the relationship between temperature and mass.
- ModelBetaC
Cubic beta estimate of the relationship between temperature and mass.
- ModelInt
Model intercept.
- Function
The function used to fit climate (e.g. linear ("lin"), quadratic ("quad"))
- Furthest
Furthest day back considered in slidingwin.
- Closest
Closest day back considered in slidingwin.
- Statistics
The aggregate statistic used to analyse climate (e.g. mean, max, slope).
- Type
Whether "fixed" or "variable" climate windows were tested.
- K
Number of folds used for k-fold cross validation.
- ModWeight
Model weight of each fitted climate window.
- sample.size
Sample size (i.e. number of years or sites) used for climate window analysis.
If type is "absolute", the date from which the climate window was tested.
- Randomised
Whether the data was generated using
.- Repeat
The number of randomisations carried out.
- WeightDist
Model spread of 95 percent confidence set of models.