autowin |
Test for auto-correlation in climate. |
Chaff |
Annual laying date of breeding common chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs). |
ChaffClim |
Daily climate data from 1965 to 2012. |
crosswin |
Test the correlation between two climate variables. |
explore |
Visualise the weight distribution for given parameter values |
Mass |
Chick body mass data since 1979. |
MassClimate |
Daily climate data since 1979. |
MassOutput |
Example output dataframe from function slidingwin. |
MassRand |
Example output dataframe from function randwin. |
medwin |
Determine the median start and end time for climate windows |
merge_results |
Merge two slidingwin analyses. |
Monthly_data |
Monthly temperature data |
Offspring |
Reproductive success of birds since 2009. |
OffspringClimate |
Daily climate data since 2009. |
plotall |
Visualise climate window data |
plotbest |
Visualise the best climate window |
plotbetas |
Plot model beta estimates |
plotcor |
Visualise climate cross correlation or autocorrelation. |
plotdelta |
Plot deltaAICc of models |
plothist |
Create a histogram of randomised deltaAICc values |
plotweights |
Plot distribution of model weights |
plotwin |
Plot the start and end time of best climate windows |
pvalue |
Determine the probability that a given climate signal is 'true'. |
randwin |
Climate window analysis for randomised data |
singlewin |
Fit a single climate window |
Size |
Average size of red winged fairy wren (Malurus elegans) chicks. |
SizeClimate |
Daily climate data from 2006 to 2015. |
slidingwin |
Test for a climate windows in data. |
weightwin |
Find a weighted climate window |
wgdev |
Calculate within group deviance. |
wgmean |
Calculate within group means. |