simple_theme {cli}R Documentation

A simple CLI theme


To use this theme, you can set it as the cli.theme option. Note that this is in addition to the builtin theme, which is still in effect.


simple_theme(dark = getOption("cli.theme_dark", "auto"))



Whether the theme should be optimized for a dark background. If "auto", then cli will try to detect this. Detection usually works in recent RStudio versions, and in iTerm on macOS, but not on other platforms.


options(cli.theme = cli::simple_theme())

and then CLI apps started after this will use it as the default theme. You can also use it temporarily, in a div element:

cli_div(theme = cli::simple_theme())


show <- cli_div(theme = cli::simple_theme())

cli_h1("Heading 1")
cli_h2("Heading 2")
cli_h3("Heading 3")

cli_alert_danger("Danger alert")
cli_alert_warning("Warning alert")
cli_alert_info("Info alert")
cli_alert_success("Success alert")
cli_alert("Alert for starting a process or computation",
  class = "alert-start")

cli_text("Packages and versions: {.pkg cli} {.version 1.0.0}.")
cli_text("Time intervals: {.timestamp 3.4s}")

cli_text("{.emph Emphasis} and  {.strong strong emphasis}")

cli_text("This is a piece of code: {.code sum(x) / length(x)}")
cli_text("Function names: {.fn cli::simple_theme}")

cli_text("Files: {.file /usr/bin/env}")
cli_text("URLs: {.url}")

cli_h2("Longer code chunk")
cli_par(class = "code R")
  '# window functions are useful for grouped mutates',
  'mtcars %>%',
  '  group_by(cyl) %>%',
  '  mutate(rank = min_rank(desc(mpg)))')

#> ── Heading 1 ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────          
#> ─ Heading 2 ──                                                                  
#> Heading 3                                                                       
#> ✖ Danger alert                                                                  
#> ! Warning alert                                                                 
#>  Info alert                                                                    
#>  Success alert                                                                 
#> → Alert for starting a process or computation                                   
#> Packages and versions: cli 1.0.0.                                               
#> Time intervals: [3.4s]                                                          
#> Emphasis and strong emphasis                                                    
#> This is a piece of code: `sum(x) / length(x)`                                   
#> Function names: `cli::simple_theme()`()                                         
#> Files: /usr/bin/env                                                             
#> URLs: <>                                                   
#> ─ Longer code chunk ──                                                          
#> # window functions are useful for grouped mutates                               
#> mtcars %>%                                                                      
#>   group_by(cyl) %>%                                                             
#>   mutate(rank = min_rank(desc(mpg)))                                            

See Also

themes, builtin_theme().

[Package cli version 3.6.3 Index]