hash_emoji {cli}R Documentation

Emoji hash


Emoji hash


hash_emoji(x, size = 3)

hash_raw_emoji(x, size = 3)

hash_obj_emoji(x, size = 3, serialize_version = 2)



Character vector. NA entries will have an NA hash.


Number of emojis to use in a hash. Currently it has to be from 1 through 4.


Workspace format version to use, see base::serialize().


It uses the first 13 hexadecimal characters (out of the 32) of the MD5 hash of the input, and converts them into an emoji representation. It uses a manually selected subset of all emojis, that tend to be displayed correctly.

Number of possible hash values

cli uses 2280 possible emojis. This is the number of different hashes you can get for different values of size:

size size of hash table space
1 2,280
2 5,198,400
3 11,852,352,000
4 27,023,362,560,000

hash_raw_emoji() calculates the emoji hash of the bytes of a raw vector.

hash_obj_emoji() calculates the emoji hash of an R object. The object is serialized into a binary vector first.


hash_emoji() returns a data frame with columns

hash_raw_emoji() and hash_obj_emoji() return a list with entries:

See Also

the emoji package for a comprehensive list of emojis

Other hash functions: hash_animal(), hash_md5(), hash_sha1(), hash_sha256()


hash_emoji(c("foo", NA, "bar", ""))$text

# if you increase `size`, the shorter hash is a prefix of the longer:
hash_emoji("foobar", 1)$text
hash_emoji("foobar", 2)$text
hash_emoji("foobar", 3)$text
hash_emoji("foobar", 4)$text

[Package cli version 3.6.2 Index]