builtin_theme {cli}R Documentation

The built-in CLI theme


This theme is always active, and it is at the bottom of the theme stack. See themes.


builtin_theme(dark = getOption("cli.theme_dark", "auto"))



Whether to use a dark theme. The cli.theme_dark option can be used to request a dark theme explicitly. If this is not set, or set to "auto", then cli tries to detect a dark theme, this works in recent RStudio versions and in iTerm on macOS.


A named list, a CLI theme.


cli_h1("Heading 1")
cli_h2("Heading 2")
cli_h3("Heading 3")

cli_alert_danger("Danger alert")
cli_alert_warning("Warning alert")
cli_alert_info("Info alert")
cli_alert_success("Success alert")
cli_alert("Alert for starting a process or computation",
  class = "alert-start")

cli_text("Packages and versions: {.pkg cli} {.version 1.0.0}.")
cli_text("Time intervals: {.timestamp 3.4s}")

cli_text("{.emph Emphasis} and  {.strong strong emphasis}")

cli_text("This is a piece of code: {.code sum(x) / length(x)}")
cli_text("Function names: {.fn cli::simple_theme}")

cli_text("Files: {.file /usr/bin/env}")
cli_text("URLs: {.url https://r-project.org}")

cli_h2("Longer code chunk")
cli_par(class = "code R")
  '# window functions are useful for grouped mutates',
  'mtcars %>%',
  '  group_by(cyl) %>%',
  '  mutate(rank = min_rank(desc(mpg)))')
#> ── Heading 1 ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────          
#> ── Heading 2 ──                                                                 
#> ── Heading 3                                                                    
#>  Danger alert                                                                  
#> ! Warning alert                                                                 
#>  Info alert                                                                    
#>  Success alert                                                                 
#> → Alert for starting a process or computation                                   
#> Packages and versions: cli 1.0.0.                                               
#> Time intervals: [3.4s]                                                          
#> Emphasis and strong emphasis                                                    
#> This is a piece of code: `sum(x) / length(x)`                                   
#> Function names: `cli::simple_theme()`                                           
#> Files: /usr/bin/env                                                             
#> URLs: <https://r-project.org>                                                   
#> ── Longer code chunk ──                                                         
#> # window functions are useful for grouped mutates                               
#> mtcars %>%                                                                      
#>   group_by(cyl) %>%                                                             
#>   mutate(rank = min_rank(desc(mpg)))                                            

See Also

themes, simple_theme().

[Package cli version 3.6.3 Index]