set_cleanr_options {cleanr}R Documentation

Set Options for cleanr


A convenience function for options.


set_cleanr_options(..., reset = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE)



See options. See function_checks and file_checks for options to be set with cleanr. Use get_cleanr_options to get the current values. cleanr's standard defaults are: ⁠ max_file_width=80 max_file_length=300 max_lines=65 max_lines_of_code=50 max_num_arguments=5 max_nesting_depth=3 max_line_width=80 check_return=TRUE ⁠


Reset all cleanr options to the package's defaults?


Overwrite options already set? Is set to FALSE on package loading to ensure your previously set cleanr options won't get overridden. Just ignore that argument.


cleanr loads a couple of options as defaults for its functions. The defaults are stored in a list element of options. All checks (see function_checks and file_checks) can be disabled by setting the corresponding option list item to NULL or FALSE.


Invisibly TRUE.

See Also

Other option wrappers: get_cleanr_options()


# R.C. Martin's Clean Code recommends monadic argument lists.
cleanr::set_cleanr_options(max_num_arguments = 1)
# R.C. Martin's Clean Code recommends functions less than 20 lines long.
cleanr::set_cleanr_options(max_lines = 30, max_lines_of_code = 20)
# same as above:
cleanr::set_cleanr_options(list(max_lines = 30, max_lines_of_code = 20))
cleanr::get_cleanr_options(flatten_list = TRUE)
# we delete all options and set some anew
options("cleanr" = NULL)
options("cleanr" = list(max_lines = 30, max_lines_of_code = 20))
# fill the missing options with the package's defaults:
cleanr::set_cleanr_options(overwrite = FALSE)
cleanr::get_cleanr_options(flatten_list = TRUE)
# reset to the package's defaults:
cleanr::set_cleanr_options(reset = TRUE)
cleanr::get_cleanr_options(flatten_list = TRUE)

[Package cleanr version 1.4.0 Index]