Circular Analyses Helper Functions

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Documentation for package ‘circhelp’ version 1.1

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angle_diff_180 Differences between angles in different circular spaces
angle_diff_180_45 Differences between angles in different circular spaces
angle_diff_360 Differences between angles in different circular spaces
angle_diff_360_90 Differences between angles in different circular spaces
angle_diff_90 Differences between angles in different circular spaces
angle_diff_rad Differences between angles in different circular spaces
Bae_Luck_2018_data Data from a motion estimation task
circ_corr Circular correlation coefficient
circ_descr A set of descriptive statistics for circular data
circ_lin_corr Circular-linear correlation
circ_loess An implementation of circular-linear locally-weighted regression (LOESS)
circ_mean_180 Circular mean
circ_mean_360 Circular mean
circ_mean_rad Circular mean
circ_sd_180 Circular standard deviation
circ_sd_360 Circular standard deviation
circ_sd_rad Circular standard deviation
correct_angle_rad Get angle value in [-pi, pi] space
pad_circ Pad circular data on both ends
Pascucci_et_al_2019_data Data from an orientation estimation task
remove_cardinal_biases Remove cardinal biases
remove_cardinal_biases_discrete Remove cardinal biases for data with orientation (color, motion, ...) set in discrete steps
vm_circ_sd_deg_to_kappa Conversion between the circular SD and kappa of von Mises
vm_circ_sd_to_kappa Conversion between the circular SD and kappa of von Mises
vm_kappa_to_circ_sd Conversion between the circular SD and kappa of von Mises
vm_kappa_to_circ_sd_deg Conversion between the circular SD and kappa of von Mises
weighted_circ_mean Weighted circular parameters
weighted_circ_mean2 Weighted circular parameters
weighted_circ_rho Weighted circular parameters
weighted_circ_sd Weighted circular parameters
weighted_sem Weighted standard error of the mean (SEM_w)