is.DRtrace {cir}R Documentation

Constructor functions and class-checking functions for DRtrace and doseResponse classes


Functions to create and sanity-check objects of the DRtrace (dose-response experiment trace/trajectory) and doseResponse (dose-response raw summary) classes. Note that the latter inherits from the former, purely for programming-convenience reasons.




DRtrace(y, x = NULL, cohort = NULL, noyes = FALSE, ...)

doseResponse(y, x = NULL, wt = rep(1, length(y)), noyes = FALSE, ...)



the object being checked

y, x

see Details.


(DRtrace only) specify each observation's cohorts, if there were cohorts. If all cohorts were the same size, then you can specify the size as a single number. If there were no cohorts, code will default this variable to 1:n


logical, in case of a 2-column input is the 1st column 'no'? Default FALSE, meaning the 1st column is 'yes'.


parameters passed on to DRtrace(), or ignored.


(doseResponse only) the weights associated with each x value; usually the sample size or similar.


The input argument y can include the entire information, or as little as the y vector of responses (for a DRtrace object) or response rates (doseResponse). When including the entire information, it has to be a data frame with at least y (both y and x for DRtrace), or a two-column matrix with 'yes' and 'no' responses (assumed in this order, but can be the reverse with noyes=TRUE). In this case the doses x can be provided as a separate vector, or as the matrix row names. doseResponse will return an error if there are any duplicates in x.

Even though both DRtrace and doseResponse accept two-column yes/no matrix input, the interpretation is different. For the former, this form of input is intended mostly to enable shorthand input when the experiment was run in cohorts. Each row represents a cohort's results, and rows must be in the order the experiment was run. For the latter, the yes-no table is a summary tabulation of responses and is treated accordingly, including rearrangement of rows to increasing x.


For constructor functions, the relevant object. For checking functions, a logical value indicating whether the object meets class definition.


Assaf P. Oron <>

See Also

cirPAVA, plot.doseResponse,plot.DRtrace


## Summary of raw data from the notorious Neuenschwander et al. (Stat. Med., 2008) trial
## Note the use of the 'cohort' argument to specify the cohort order
neundatTrace = DRtrace(x = c(rep(1:4,each=4), 7, 7, rep(6,9)),
                       y = c(rep(0,16), 1,1, rep(c(0,0,1),2), 0,0,0), 
                       cohort = rep(1:8, c(4,4,4,4, 2, 3,3,3)) )
par(mar=c(3,3,3,1), mgp=c(2,.5,0), tcl=-0.25)
plot(neundatTrace ,main="N. et al. (2008) Cohort Trace", xlab = 'Cohort', 
          ylab="Ordinal Dose Level" ,cex.main=1.5)

## Same data, in 'doseResponse' format with actual doses rather than dose levels
neundatDose = doseResponse(x=c(1,2.5,5,10,20,25), y = c(rep(0,4),2/9,1), wt = c(3,4,5,4,9,2) )
plot(neundatDose ,main="N. et al. (2008) Final Dose-Toxicity", ylim=c(0,1),
	xlab="Dose (mg/sq.m./wk)", ylab="Toxicity Response Curve (F)", cex.main=1.5)
## We can also convert the DRtrace object to doseResponse...
neundatLevel = doseResponse(neundatTrace)

### Now plotting the former, vs. IR/CIR estimates
neunCIR0 = cirPAVA(neundatDose,full=TRUE, adaptiveShrink = TRUE, target = 0.3)
lines(neunCIR0$shrinkage$x, neunCIR0$shrinkage$y, type='b' ,pch=19)
legend(1,1, pch=c(4,19), legend=c('Observations', 'CIR w/bias corr.'), bty='n')

[Package cir version 2.3.1 Index]