lag_ {cheapr}R Documentation

Lagged operations.


Fast lags and leads optionally using dynamic vectorised lags, ordering and run lengths.


lag_(x, n = 1L, fill = NULL, set = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)

  n = 1L,
  order = NULL,
  run_lengths = NULL,
  fill = NULL,
  recursive = TRUE



A vector or data frame.


Number of lags. Negative values are accepted.
lag2_ accepts a vector of dynamic lags and leads which gets recycled to the length of x.


Value used to fill first n values. Default is NA.


Should x be updated by reference? If TRUE no copy is made and x is updated in place. The default is FALSE.


Should list elements be lagged as well? If TRUE, this is useful for data frames and will return row lags. If FALSE this will return a plain lagged list.


Optionally specify an ordering with which to apply the lags. This is useful for example when applying lags chronologically using an unsorted time variable.


Optional integer vector of run lengths that defines the size of each lag run. For example, supplying c(5, 5) applies lags to the first 5 elements and then essentially resets the bounds and applies lags to the next 5 elements as if they were an entirely separate and standalone vector.
This is particularly useful in conjunction with the order argument to perform a by-group lag. See the examples for details.


For most applications, it is more efficient and recommended to use lag_(). For anything that requires dynamic lags, lag by order of another variable, or by-group lags, one can use lag2_().
To do cyclic lags, see the examples below for an implementation.


lag2_ is a generalised form of lag_ that by default performs simple lags and leads.
It has 3 additional features but does not support updating by reference or long vectors.

These extra features include:

Table of differences between lag_ and lag2_

Description lag_ lag2_
Lags Yes Yes
Leads Yes Yes
Long vector support Yes No
Lag by reference Yes No
Dynamic vectorised lags No Yes
Data frame row lags Yes Yes
Alternative order lags No Yes


A lagged object the same size as x.



# A use-case for data.table
# Adding 0 because can't update ALTREP by reference
df <- data.frame(x = 1:10^5 + 0L)

# Normal data frame lag
sset(lag_(df), 1:10)

# Lag these behind by 3 rows
sset(lag_(df, 3, set = TRUE), 1:10)

df$x[1:10] # x variable was updated by reference!

# The above can be used naturally in data.table to lag data
# without any copies

# To perform regular R row lags, just make sure set is `FALSE`

sset(lag_(, 5), 1:10)

# lag2_ is a generalised version of lag_ that allows
# for much more complex lags

x <- 1:10

# lag every 2nd element
lag2_(x, n = c(1, 0)) # lag vector is recycled

# Explicit Lag(3) using a vector of lags
lags <- lag_sequence(length(x), 3, partial = FALSE)
lag2_(x, n = lags)

# Alternating lags and leads
lag2_(x, c(1, -1))

# Lag only the 3rd element
lags <- integer(length(x))
lags[3] <- 1L
lag2_(x, lags)

# lag in descending order (same as a lead)

lag2_(x, order = 10:1)

# lag that resets after index 5
lag2_(x, run_lengths = c(5, 5))

# lag with a time index
years <- sample(2011:2020)
lag2_(x, order = order(years))

# Example of how to do a cyclical lag
n <- length(x)

# When k >= 0
k <- min(3, n)
lag2_(x, c(rep(-n + k, k), rep(k, n - k)))
# When k < 0
k <- max(-3, -n)
lag2_(x, c(rep(k, n + k), rep(n + k, -k)))

# As it turns out, we can do a grouped lag
# by supplying group sizes as run lengths and group order as the order

g <- sample(c("a", "b"), 10, TRUE)

# NOTE: collapse::flag will not work unless g is already sorted!
# This is not an issue with lag2_()
collapse::flag(x, g = g)
lag2_(x, order = order(g), run_lengths = collapse::GRP(g)$group.sizes)

# For production code, we can of course make
# this more optimised by using collapse::radixorderv()
# Which calculates the order and group sizes all at once

o <- collapse::radixorderv(g, group.sizes = TRUE)
lag2_(x, order = o, run_lengths = attr(o, "group.sizes"))

# Let's finally wrap this up in a nice grouped-lag function

grouped_lag <- function(x, n = 1, g = integer(length(x))){
  o <- collapse::radixorderv(g, group.sizes = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
  lag2_(x, n, order = o, run_lengths = attr(o, "group.sizes"))

# And voila!
grouped_lag(x, g = g)

# A method to extract this information from dplyr

## We can actually get this information easily from a `grouped_df` object
## Uncomment the below code to run the implementation
# library(dplyr)
# library(timeplyr)
# eu_stock <- EuStockMarkets |>
#   ts_as_tibble() |>
#   group_by(stock_index = group)
# groups <- group_data(eu_stock) # Group information
# group_order <- unlist(groups$.rows) # Order of groups
# group_sizes <- lengths_(groups$.rows) # Group sizes
# # by-stock index lag
# lag2_(eu_stock$value, order = group_order, run_lengths = group_sizes)
# # Verifying this output is correct
# eu_stock |>
#   ungroup() |>
#   mutate(lag1 = lag_(value), .by = stock_index) |>
#   mutate(lag2 = lag2_(value, order = group_order, run_lengths = group_sizes)) |>
#   summarise(lags_are_equal = identical(lag1, lag2))

# Let's compare this to data.table

default_threads <- getDTthreads()
dt <- data.table(x = 1:10^5,
                 g =^4, 10^5, TRUE))

bench::mark(dt[, y := shift(x), by = g][][["y"]],
            grouped_lag(dt$x, g = dt$g),
            iterations = 10)

[Package cheapr version 0.9.3 Index]