Simple Functions to Save Time and Memory

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Documentation for package ‘cheapr’ version 0.9.0

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cheapr-package cheapr: Simple Functions to Save Time and Memory
%!in_% Extra utilities
%in_% Extra utilities
all_na Efficient functions for dealing with missing values.
any_na Efficient functions for dealing with missing values.
cheapr cheapr: Simple Functions to Save Time and Memory
col_all_na Efficient functions for dealing with missing values.
col_any_na Efficient functions for dealing with missing values.
col_na_counts Efficient functions for dealing with missing values.
count_val Count the number of occurrences of a value.
cut_numeric Extra utilities
deframe_ Extra utilities
enframe_ Extra utilities
factor_ A faster version of 'factor()'
gcd Greatest common divisor and smallest common multiple
gcd2 Greatest common divisor and smallest common multiple
intersect_ Extra utilities
is_na Efficient functions for dealing with missing values. Efficient functions for dealing with missing values.
is_na.default Efficient functions for dealing with missing values.
is_na.POSIXlt Efficient functions for dealing with missing values.
is_na.vctrs_rcrd Efficient functions for dealing with missing values.
lag_ Lagged operations.
lag_sequence Utilities for creating many sequences
lead_sequence Utilities for creating many sequences
lengths_ List utilities
levels_factor A faster version of 'factor()'
na_rm Extra utilities
new_list List utilities
num_na Efficient functions for dealing with missing values.
overview An alternative to 'summary()' inspired by the skimr package
overview.character An alternative to 'summary()' inspired by the skimr package An alternative to 'summary()' inspired by the skimr package
overview.Date An alternative to 'summary()' inspired by the skimr package
overview.default An alternative to 'summary()' inspired by the skimr package
overview.factor An alternative to 'summary()' inspired by the skimr package
overview.logical An alternative to 'summary()' inspired by the skimr package
overview.numeric An alternative to 'summary()' inspired by the skimr package
overview.POSIXt An alternative to 'summary()' inspired by the skimr package
overview.ts An alternative to 'summary()' inspired by the skimr package
overview.zoo An alternative to 'summary()' inspired by the skimr package
row_all_na Efficient functions for dealing with missing values.
row_any_na Efficient functions for dealing with missing values.
row_na_counts Efficient functions for dealing with missing values.
scm Greatest common divisor and smallest common multiple
scm2 Greatest common divisor and smallest common multiple
sequence_ Utilities for creating many sequences
seq_ Utilities for creating many sequences
seq_id Utilities for creating many sequences
seq_size Utilities for creating many sequences
setdiff_ Extra utilities
set_abs Math operations by reference - *Experimental*
set_add Math operations by reference - *Experimental*
set_ceiling Math operations by reference - *Experimental*
set_change_sign Math operations by reference - *Experimental*
set_divide Math operations by reference - *Experimental*
set_exp Math operations by reference - *Experimental*
set_floor Math operations by reference - *Experimental*
set_log Math operations by reference - *Experimental*
set_multiply Math operations by reference - *Experimental*
set_pow Math operations by reference - *Experimental*
set_round Math operations by reference - *Experimental*
set_sqrt Math operations by reference - *Experimental*
set_subtract Math operations by reference - *Experimental*
set_trunc Math operations by reference - *Experimental*
sset Cheaper subset Cheaper subset Cheaper subset
sset.Date Cheaper subset
sset.factor Cheaper subset
sset.POSIXct Cheaper subset
sset.POSIXlt Cheaper subset
sset.sf Cheaper subset
sset.tbl_df Cheaper subset
unlisted_length List utilities
unused_levels A faster version of 'factor()'
used_levels A faster version of 'factor()'
which_ Memory-efficient alternative to 'which()'
which_na Efficient functions for dealing with missing values.
which_not_na Efficient functions for dealing with missing values.
window_sequence Utilities for creating many sequences