cgInternalUtilities {cg}R Documentation

cg package Internal Utilities


cg package Internal Utility functions and objects not intended for user-level calls


The functions

stndErr geoMean pctToRatio makeZeroScore unwind unwrap graphStampCG setupAxisTicks setupLog10AxisTicks tryAgain seeHelpFile paragraphWrap cgMessage factorInSeq setupGrpNameTicks xTicksCex yTicksCex rmTicks minmaxTicks plotGrpNameTicks boxplotStamp errorBarGraphStamp
comparisonsGraphStamp errorBarGraphApproximateStamp trimWhiteSpace chopZeroes fmtRatioToPercent fmtDifference fmtRatio fmtPercent fmtPvalue cgDevice contrastMatrix blockDiag rangeExtend getNumDigits makeCensored multcompInform multcompDone isAllEqual makeEndptLabel catCharExpr
residualgrptrend.helper fround fround.charcens chop.matrix stripmiss makeTickMarks scaleVar makeContrastVec cg.largest.empty qminmin unpaste grpsummary samplesize samplesizegraph boxplotcensoreddata descriptive.censoreddata pairwisecompsmatrix

are used internally by the cg package. See source code for details.

The blockDiag function is adapted from a Ben Bolker function contribution on R-help in 2002.

The factorInSeq function is exported since it may be useful for a user. It is a simple wrapper around factor with the order of its levels determined by first occurrence of each level in its x vector argument.


Contact for bug reports, questions, concerns, and comments.


Bill Pikounis [aut, cre, cph], John Oleynick [aut], Eva Ye [ctb]

[Package cg version 1.0-3 Index]