Compare Groups, Analytically and Graphically

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Documentation for package ‘cg’ version 1.0-3

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cg-package Compare Groups, Analytically and Graphically

-- A --

aftfit-class cg package Internal Virtual Classes
anorexiaFT AnorexiaFT Data Set in the cg package

-- B --

blockDiag cg package Internal Utilities
boxplot-method Box Plot Graph of Groups from a cgOneFactorData object
boxplot.cgOneFactorData Box Plot Graph of Groups from a cgOneFactorData object
boxplotcensoreddata cg package Internal Utilities
boxplotStamp cg package Internal Utilities

-- C --

canine Canine Data Set in the cg package
canine.listfmt Canine Data Set in the cg package
catCharExpr cg package Internal Utilities
cg Compare Groups, Analytically and Graphically
cg.largest.empty cg package Internal Utilities
cgDevice cg package Internal Utilities
cgInternalClasses cg package Internal Virtual Classes
cgInternalUtilities cg package Internal Utilities
cgLineColors Color Choice order for Graph Lines
cgMessage cg package Internal Utilities
cgOneFactorComparisonsTable Create a table of comparisons amongst groups with the cgOneFactorFit object
cgOneFactorComparisonsTable-class Create a table of comparisons amongst groups with the cgOneFactorFit object
cgOneFactorData Prepare data object from a data frame for One Factor / One-Way / Unpaired Samples evaluations
cgOneFactorData-class Prepare data object from a data frame for One Factor / One-Way / Unpaired Samples evaluations
cgOneFactorDescriptiveTable Compute Descriptive Summary Statistics of Groups in a cgOneFactorData object
cgOneFactorDescriptiveTable-class Compute Descriptive Summary Statistics of Groups in a cgOneFactorData object
cgOneFactorDownweightedTable Create a table of downweighted observations from a Resistant & Robust fit.
cgOneFactorDownweightedTable-class Create a table of downweighted observations from a Resistant & Robust fit.
cgOneFactorFit Fit models to a cgOneFactorData object
cgOneFactorFit-class Fit models to a cgOneFactorData object
cgOneFactorGlobalTest Perform a global Test of significance with cgOneFactorFit object
cgOneFactorGlobalTest-class Perform a global Test of significance with cgOneFactorFit object
cgOneFactorGrpSummaryTable Create a table of estimated group means and variability with a cgOneFactorFit object.
cgOneFactorGrpSummaryTable-class Create a table of estimated group means and variability with a cgOneFactorFit object.
cgOneFactorSampleSizeTable Estimate Sample Sizes based on a cgOneFactorFit object
cgOneFactorSampleSizeTable-class Estimate Sample Sizes based on a cgOneFactorFit object
cgPairedDifferenceComparisonsTable Create a table of comparisons between two groups with the cgPairedDifferenceFit object
cgPairedDifferenceComparisonsTable-class Create a table of comparisons between two groups with the cgPairedDifferenceFit object
cgPairedDifferenceCorrelationTable Compute Correlations from a cgPairedDifferenceData object
cgPairedDifferenceCorrelationTable-class Compute Correlations from a cgPairedDifferenceData object
cgPairedDifferenceData Prepare data object from a data frame for Paired Samples evaluations
cgPairedDifferenceData-class Prepare data object from a data frame for Paired Samples evaluations
cgPairedDifferenceDescriptiveTable Compute Descriptive Summary Statistics of Groups in a cgPairedDifferenceData object
cgPairedDifferenceDescriptiveTable-class Compute Descriptive Summary Statistics of Groups in a cgPairedDifferenceData object
cgPairedDifferenceDownweightedTable Create a table of downweighted observations from a Resistant & Robust fit.
cgPairedDifferenceDownweightedTable-class Create a table of downweighted observations from a Resistant & Robust fit.
cgPairedDifferenceFit Fit models to a cgPairedDifferenceData object
cgPairedDifferenceFit-class Fit models to a cgPairedDifferenceData object
cgPairedDifferenceSampleSizeTable Estimate Sample Sizes based on a cgPairedDifferenceFit object
cgPairedDifferenceSampleSizeTable-class Estimate Sample Sizes based on a cgPairedDifferenceFit object
cgPairedDifferenceVarianceTable Compute Variances from a cgPairedDifferenceFit object
cgPairedDifferenceVarianceTable-class Compute Variances from a cgPairedDifferenceFit object
cgValidity cg package Validity Checks
characterOrExpression-class cg package Internal Virtual Classes
characterOrNULL-class cg package Internal Virtual Classes
chop.matrix cg package Internal Utilities
chopZeroes cg package Internal Utilities
comparisons Create a table of comparisons amongst groups
comparisonsGraph Graph comparisons specified amongst groups
comparisonsgraph Create an graph of comparisons
comparisonsGraph-method Create an graph of the comparisons in a cgOneFactorComparisonsTable object
comparisonsGraph-method Create an graph of the comparisons in a cgPairedDifferenceComparisonsTable object
comparisonsGraph.cgOneFactorComparisonsTable Create an graph of the comparisons in a cgOneFactorComparisonsTable object
comparisonsGraph.cgPairedDifferenceComparisonsTable Create an graph of the comparisons in a cgPairedDifferenceComparisonsTable object
comparisonsGraphStamp cg package Internal Utilities
comparisonsTable Create a Table of Comparisons amongst Groups
comparisonsTable-method Create a table of comparisons amongst groups with the cgOneFactorFit object
comparisonsTable-method Create a table of comparisons between two groups with the cgPairedDifferenceFit object
comparisonsTable.cgOneFactorFit Create a table of comparisons amongst groups with the cgOneFactorFit object
comparisonsTable.cgPairedDifferenceFit Create a table of comparisons between two groups with the cgPairedDifferenceFit object
contrastMatrix cg package Internal Utilities
correlationTable Compute Correlations
correlationTable-method Compute Correlations from a cgPairedDifferenceData object
correlationTable.cgPairedDifferenceData Compute Correlations from a cgPairedDifferenceData object

-- D --

dataframeMatrixOrNULL-class cg package Internal Virtual Classes
dataframeOrNULL-class cg package Internal Virtual Classes
descriptive.censoreddata cg package Internal Utilities
descriptiveTable Compute Descriptive Summary Statistics of Groups
descriptiveTable-method Compute Descriptive Summary Statistics of Groups in a cgOneFactorData object
descriptiveTable-method Compute Descriptive Summary Statistics of Groups in a cgPairedDifferenceData object
descriptiveTable.cgOneFactorData Compute Descriptive Summary Statistics of Groups in a cgOneFactorData object
descriptiveTable.cgPairedDifferenceData Compute Descriptive Summary Statistics of Groups in a cgPairedDifferenceData object
diffGraph Graph Paired Differences
diffGraph-method Graph Paired Differences from a cgPairedDifferenceData object
diffGraph.cgPairedDifferenceData Graph Paired Differences from a cgPairedDifferenceData object
downweightedTable Create a table of downweighted observations from a Resistant & Robust fit.
downweightedTable-method Create a table of downweighted observations from a Resistant & Robust fit.
downweightedTable-method Create a table of downweighted observations from a Resistant & Robust fit.
downweightedTable.cgOneFactorFit Create a table of downweighted observations from a Resistant & Robust fit.
downweightedTable.cgPairedDifferenceFit Create a table of downweighted observations from a Resistant & Robust fit.

-- E --

errorBarGraph Create an Error Bar graph amongst groups
errorbargraph Create an error bar graph based on pairwise multiple comparisons
errorBarGraph-method Create an Error Bar graph amongst groups in a cgOneFactorFit object
errorBarGraph.cgOneFactorFit Create an Error Bar graph amongst groups in a cgOneFactorFit object
errorBarGraphApproximateStamp cg package Internal Utilities
errorBarGraphStamp cg package Internal Utilities

-- F --

factorInSeq cg package Internal Utilities
fit Fit models to data
fit-method Fit models to a cgOneFactorData object
fit-method Fit models to a cgPairedDifferenceData object
fit.cgOneFactorData Fit models to a cgOneFactorData object
fit.cgPairedDifferenceData Fit models to a cgPairedDifferenceData object
fmtDifference cg package Internal Utilities
fmtPercent cg package Internal Utilities
fmtPvalue cg package Internal Utilities
fmtRatio cg package Internal Utilities
fmtRatioToPercent cg package Internal Utilities
fround cg package Internal Utilities
fround.charcens cg package Internal Utilities

-- G --

geoMean cg package Internal Utilities
getDotsArgName cg package Validity Checks
getNumDigits cg package Internal Utilities
globalTest Perform a global test of significance
globalTest-method Perform a global Test of significance with cgOneFactorFit object
globalTest.cgOneFactorFit Perform a global Test of significance with cgOneFactorFit object
gmcsfcens GM-CSF censored data set in the cg package
gmcsfcens.listfmt GM-CSF censored data set in the cg package
gmcsfcens.listfmt1 GM-CSF censored data set in the cg package
gmcsfcens.listfmt2 GM-CSF censored data set in the cg package
gmcsfcens.listfmt3 GM-CSF censored data set in the cg package
graphStampCG cg package Internal Utilities
grpsummary cg package Internal Utilities
grpSummaryTable Create a table of estimated group means and variability
grpSummaryTable-method Create a table of estimated group means and variability with a cgOneFactorFit object.
grpSummaryTable.cgOneFactorFit Create a table of estimated group means and variability with a cgOneFactorFit object.

-- I --

isAllEqual cg package Internal Utilities

-- K --

kmGraph Graph Distribution Functions of Groups
kmGraph-method Graph Distribution Functions of Groups in a cgOneFactorData object
kmGraph.cgOneFactorData Graph Distribution Functions of Groups in a cgOneFactorData object

-- M --

makeCensored cg package Internal Utilities
makeContrastVec cg package Internal Utilities
makeEndptLabel cg package Internal Utilities
makeTickMarks cg package Internal Utilities
makeZeroScore cg package Internal Utilities
minmaxTicks cg package Internal Utilities
multcompDone cg package Internal Utilities
multcompInform cg package Internal Utilities

-- N --

numericOrNULL-class cg package Internal Virtual Classes

-- O --

olsfit-class cg package Internal Virtual Classes

-- P --

pairwisecompsmatrix cg package Internal Utilities
paragraphWrap cg package Internal Utilities
parsePartialName cg package Validity Checks
pctToRatio cg package Internal Utilities
plotGrpNameTicks cg package Internal Utilities
pointGraph Graph Individual Data Points of Groups
pointGraph-method Graph Individual Data Points in a cgOneFactorData object
pointGraph.cgOneFactorData Graph Individual Data Points in a cgOneFactorData object
prepare Prepare a cg data object from a data frame
prepareCGOneFactorData Prepare data object from a data frame for One Factor / One-Way / Unpaired Samples evaluations
prepareCGPairedDifferenceData Prepare data object from a data frame for Paired Samples evaluations
print-method Print One Factor Comparisons Table object with some format options
print-method Print a One Factor Descriptive Table object with some format options
print-method Print Downweighted Observations Table object with some format options
print-method Print One Factor Model Fit object with some format options
print-method Print One Factor Global F-test object with some format options
print-method Print One Factor Group Summary Table object with some format options
print-method Print a One Factor Sample Size Table object with some format options
print-method Print Paired Difference Comparisons Table object with some format options
print-method Print a Paired Difference Correlation Table object with some format options
print-method Print a Paired Difference Descriptive Table object with some format options
print-method Print Downweighted Observations Table object with some format options
print-method Print One Factor Model Fit object with some format options
print-method Print a Paired Difference Sample Size Table object with some format options
print-method Print a Paired Difference Variance Table object with some format options
print.cgOneFactorComparisonsTable Print One Factor Comparisons Table object with some format options
print.cgOneFactorDescriptiveTable Print a One Factor Descriptive Table object with some format options
print.cgOneFactorDownweightedTable Print Downweighted Observations Table object with some format options
print.cgOneFactorFit Print One Factor Model Fit object with some format options
print.cgOneFactorGlobalTest Print One Factor Global F-test object with some format options
print.cgOneFactorGrpSummaryTable Print One Factor Group Summary Table object with some format options
print.cgOneFactorSampleSizeTable Print a One Factor Sample Size Table object with some format options
print.cgPairedDifferenceComparisonsTable Print Paired Difference Comparisons Table object with some format options
print.cgPairedDifferenceCorrelationTable Print a Paired Difference Correlation Table object with some format options
print.cgPairedDifferenceDescriptiveTable Print a Paired Difference Descriptive Table object with some format options
print.cgPairedDifferenceDownweightedTable Print Downweighted Observations Table object with some format options
print.cgPairedDifferenceFit Print One Factor Model Fit object with some format options
print.cgPairedDifferenceSampleSizeTable Print a Paired Difference Sample Size Table object with some format options
print.cgPairedDifferenceVarianceTable Print a Paired Difference Variance Table object with some format options
profileGraph Graph Profiles of Experimental Units
profileGraph-method Graph Profiles of Experimental Unit Pairs in a cgPairedDifferenceData object
profileGraph.cgPairedDifferenceData Graph Profiles of Experimental Unit Pairs in a cgPairedDifferenceData object

-- Q --

qminmin cg package Internal Utilities
qqGraph Quantile-Quantile Graphs
qqGraph-method Quantile-Quantile (QQ) Graphs of a cgOneFactorFit object
qqGraph-method Quantile-Quantile (QQ) Graphs of a cgPairedDifferenceFit object
qqGraph.cgOneFactorFit Quantile-Quantile (QQ) Graphs of a cgOneFactorFit object
qqGraph.cgPairedDifferenceFit Quantile-Quantile (QQ) Graphs of a cgPairedDifferenceFit object

-- R --

rangeExtend cg package Internal Utilities
reportInvalidArg cg package Validity Checks
residualgrptrend.helper cg package Internal Utilities
rmTicks cg package Internal Utilities
rrfit-class cg package Internal Virtual Classes

-- S --

samplesize cg package Internal Utilities
samplesize.default cg package Internal Utilities
samplesizeGraph Graph Estimated Sample Sizes
samplesizegraph cg package Internal Utilities
samplesizeGraph-method Graph estimated sample sizes from a cgOneFactorSampleSizeTable object
samplesizeGraph-method Graph estimated sample sizes from a cgPairedDifferenceSampleSizeTable object
samplesizeGraph.cgOneFactorSampleSizeTable Graph estimated sample sizes from a cgOneFactorSampleSizeTable object
samplesizeGraph.cgPairedDifferenceSampleSizeTable Graph estimated sample sizes from a cgPairedDifferenceSampleSizeTable object
samplesizeTable Estimate Required Sample Sizes
samplesizeTable-method Estimate Sample Sizes based on a cgOneFactorFit object
samplesizeTable-method Estimate Sample Sizes based on a cgPairedDifferenceFit object
samplesizeTable.cgOneFactorFit Estimate Sample Sizes based on a cgOneFactorFit object
samplesizeTable.cgPairedDifferenceFit Estimate Sample Sizes based on a cgPairedDifferenceFit object
scaleVar cg package Internal Utilities
seeHelpFile cg package Internal Utilities
setupAxisTicks cg package Internal Utilities
setupGrpNameTicks cg package Internal Utilities
setupLog10AxisTicks cg package Internal Utilities
show-method Show a One Factor Comparisons Table object from the cg package
show-method Show a One Factor Descriptive Table object from the cg package
show-method Show a One Factor Downweighted Table object from the cg package
show-method Show a Global Test object from the cg package
show-method Show a One Factor Group Summary Table object from the cg package
show-method Show a One Factor Sample Size Table object from the cg package
show-method Show a Paired Difference Data Comparisons Table object from the cg package
show-method Show a Paired Difference Correlation Table object from the cg package
show-method Show a Paired Difference Descriptive Table object from the cg package
show-method Show a Paired Difference Downweighted Table object from the cg package
show-method Show a Paired Difference Sample Size Table object from the cg package
show-method Show a Paired Difference Variance Table object from the cg package
show.cgOneFactorComparisonsTable Show a One Factor Comparisons Table object from the cg package
show.cgOneFactorDescriptiveTable Show a One Factor Descriptive Table object from the cg package
show.cgOneFactorDownweightedTable Show a One Factor Downweighted Table object from the cg package
show.cgOneFactorGlobalTest Show a Global Test object from the cg package
show.cgOneFactorGrpSummaryTable Show a One Factor Group Summary Table object from the cg package
show.cgOneFactorSampleSizeTable Show a One Factor Sample Size Table object from the cg package
show.cgPairedDifferenceComparisonsTable Show a Paired Difference Data Comparisons Table object from the cg package
show.cgPairedDifferenceCorrelationTable Show a Paired Difference Correlation Table object from the cg package
show.cgPairedDifferenceDescriptiveTable Show a Paired Difference Descriptive Table object from the cg package
show.cgPairedDifferenceDownweightedTable Show a Paired Difference Downweighted Table object from the cg package
show.cgPairedDifferenceSampleSizeTable Show a Paired Difference Sample Size Table object from the cg package
show.cgPairedDifferenceVarianceTable Show a Paired Difference Variance Table object from the cg package
showObj Show raw form of an object from the cg package
showObj-method Show a Fitted Model object from the cg package
showObj-method Show a Fitted Model object from the cg package
showObj.cgOneFactorFit Show a Fitted Model object from the cg package
showObj.cgPairedDifferenceFit Show a Fitted Model object from the cg package
stndErr cg package Internal Utilities
stripmiss cg package Internal Utilities
summary-method Summary display of a One Factor Model Fit object with some format options
summary-method Summary display of a Paired Difference Model Fit object with some format options
summary.cgOneFactorFit Summary display of a One Factor Model Fit object with some format options
summary.cgPairedDifferenceFit Summary display of a Paired Difference Model Fit object with some format options

-- T --

trimWhiteSpace cg package Internal Utilities
tryAgain cg package Internal Utilities

-- U --

unpaste cg package Internal Utilities
unwind cg package Internal Utilities
unwrap cg package Internal Utilities
uvfit-class cg package Internal Virtual Classes

-- V --

validAddConstant cg package Validity Checks
validAft cg package Validity Checks
validAlpha cg package Validity Checks
validArgDigits cg package Validity Checks
validArgMatch cg package Validity Checks
validArgModel cg package Validity Checks
validAtomicVec cg package Validity Checks
validBoolean cg package Validity Checks
validCensor cg package Validity Checks
validCGOneFacGroupColDfr cg package Validity Checks
validCGOneFacListedDfr cg package Validity Checks
validCharacter cg package Validity Checks
validComparisonType cg package Validity Checks
validCutoffWt cg package Validity Checks
validDataFormat cg package Validity Checks
validDenDf cg package Validity Checks
validDotsArg cg package Validity Checks
validDotsArgs cg package Validity Checks
validEqualLength cg package Validity Checks
validErrorDf cg package Validity Checks
validEstimates cg package Validity Checks
validFitType cg package Validity Checks
validGrpNames cg package Validity Checks
validList cg package Validity Checks
validN cg package Validity Checks
validNumeric cg package Validity Checks
validNumericOrCensored cg package Validity Checks
validPower cg package Validity Checks
validZeroScore cg package Validity Checks
varianceGraph Variance Graphs
varianceGraph-method Equal Variance Graphs assessment of cgOneFactorFit object
varianceGraph.cgOneFactorFit Equal Variance Graphs assessment of cgOneFactorFit object
varianceTable Compute Variance Components
varianceTable-method Compute Variances from a cgPairedDifferenceFit object
varianceTable.cgPairedDifferenceFit Compute Variances from a cgPairedDifferenceFit object

-- X --

xTicksCex cg package Internal Utilities

-- Y --

yTicksCex cg package Internal Utilities