Consistent Perturbation of Statistical Frequency- And Magnitude Tables

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Documentation for package ‘cellKey’ version 1.0.2

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cellkey_pkg R6 Class defining statistical tables that can be perturbed
ck_class R6 Class defining statistical tables that can be perturbed
ck_cnt_measures Utility measures for perturbed counts
ck_create_testdata ck_create_testdata
ck_dat_hc92 A real-world data set on persons
ck_flexparams Set parameters required to perturb numeric variables using a flex function
ck_generate_rkeys Generate random record keys
ck_params_cnts Create perturbation parameters for count variables
ck_params_nums Set perturbation parameters for continuous variables
ck_read_yaml Read perturbation parameters from yaml-files
ck_setup R6 Class defining statistical tables that can be perturbed
ck_simpleparams Set parameters required to perturb numeric variables using a simple approach
ck_vignette ck_vignette
testdata A real-world data set on household income and expenditures