Coupled Chain Radiative Transfer Models

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Documentation for package ‘ccrtm’ version 0.1.6

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ccrtm-package ccrtm: Coupled Chain Radiative Transfer Models.
bRTM Generates an invertable model for backward implementation of Radiative Transfer Models
cambell Leaf inclination distribution function Ellipsoidal distribution function
ccrtm ccrtm: Coupled Chain Radiative Transfer Models.
cdcum Leaf inclination distribution function cummulative lagden function from Wout Verhoef's dissertation Extended here for any angle
data_prospect5 refractive index and specific absorption coefficient for PROSPECT 5
data_prospectd refractive index and specific absorption coefficient for PROSPECT D
flim Forest Light Interaction Model (FLIM)
foursail Optimized R implementation of foursail (4SAIL)
foursail2 R implementation of the foursail2 model with 2 canopy layers.
foursail2b R implementation of the foursail2 model with 2 canopy layers.
fRTM Forward implementation of coupled Radiative Transfer Models.
getDefaults S3- methods for Generate defaults settings and parameters for all supported models.
KLd Kullback-Lieber divergence function D(spec1 || spec2) = sum(spec1 * log(spec1 / spec2))
lidf Leaf inclination distribution models s3 method for calling leaf models
plot.rtm.spectra Plot RTM return spectra vs. wavelength
print.rtm.spectra Plot RTM return spectra vs. wavelength
prospect5 PROSPECT model version 5 and 5B
prospectd PROSPECT model version D
r_foursail R implementation of foursail (pure R)
sail_BDRF The SAIL BDRF function
skyl Sky light model
soil soil reflectance
solar direct and diffuse light