Build Common Tables of Summary Statistics for Reports

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Documentation for package ‘carpenter’ version 0.2.2

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add_rows Add rows to the table with summary statistics.
build_table Build the final table.
carpenter Build common tables for your research needs!
outline_table Make an outline of the table you want to create.
renaming Renaming row and header variables.
stat_iqr Common summary statistics to use in 'add_rows()'.
stat_mean Common summary statistics to use in 'add_rows()'.
stat_meanSD Common summary statistics to use in 'add_rows()'.
stat_median Common summary statistics to use in 'add_rows()'.
stat_medianIQR Common summary statistics to use in 'add_rows()'.
stat_nPct Common summary statistics to use in 'add_rows()'.
stat_stddev Common summary statistics to use in 'add_rows()'.
table_stats Common summary statistics to use in 'add_rows()'.