hyperplot {caroline}R Documentation

Annotate Outliers in a Scatterplot via an HTML Image-Map


This simple function makes R scatter plots interactive by creating an image and wrapping HTML around it: creating a hyperlinked hyperplot. Hover over the points to see what each is. Click to connect to a table below that will tell you more about each point (if browse ==TRUE).


hyperplot(x, y = NULL, annout = 1:length(x), 
                 name ="hyperplot.imagemap", w = 72 * 8, h = 72 * 6, 
                 link ="internal", browse = TRUE, cex = 1, ...)                 



a plot-able object, a numeric vector or the name of a numeric vector column in annout.


a numeric vector or the name of a numeric vector column in annout. Must be the same length as x.


a named data.frame or table of outliers to annotate the points in the plot. 'x' and 'y' params can indicate column names or numbers of annout.


base name of the image & html (map) page that get generated.


width of the png image in inches.


height of the png image in inches.


create a linked lookup table from image to the annout table.


load the html page automatically via R.


character expansion for points


other paramters passed on to plot()


HTML page with annotation mapped image

See Also



if(capabilities()["png"] && interactive()) {

main.hov <- 'Hover over a point to see the name'
main.subsets <- '(annotated subset in red only)'
main.click.in <- 'click on points to visit table'
main.click.out <-  'click on points to visit external site'
cols <- c('black','red')
ext.url <- 'http://cran.r-project.org'

## x and y as numeric vectors ##
x.out <- nv(rnorm(13,2,sd=5),toupper(letters)[1:13])
x.in <- nv(rnorm(13,1,sd=.5),toupper(letters)[14:26])
y.out <- nv(rnorm(13,2,sd=5),toupper(letters)[1:13])
y.in <- nv(rnorm(13,1,sd=.5),toupper(letters)[14:26])
x <- c(x.out, x.in)
y <- c(y.out, y.in)

## simplest version
hyperplot(x,y, main=main.hov)

## same but with annotations being supplied as a paramter (instead of names on x)
names(x) <- NULL
hyperplot(x,y, annout=toupper(letters), main=main.hov)

## annotate only a subset 
hyperplot(x,y, annout=1:13, col=cols[rep(c(T,F), each=13)+1],

## annout as dataframe #
## x and y as vectors 
x <- nv(x,toupper(letters)) # reinstate the names of x
df <- data.frame(ab=rep(c('a','b'),13),row.names=toupper(letters))
hyperplot(x,y, annout=df, 
                main=paste(main.hov, main.click.in, sep='\n'))

## x and y as names of columns in df
df <- cbind.data.frame(data.frame(x=x, y=y), df)
hyperplot(x='x',y='y', annout=df, 
                main=paste(main.hov, main.click.in, sep='\n'))

## using 'link' column name parameter to specify external links
df <- cbind.data.frame(df, 
            data.frame(url=ext.url, stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
hyperplot(x='x',y='y', annout=df, link='url', 
                main=paste(main.hov, main.click.out,sep='\n'))

## using reserved column name 'out' as a way to annotate a subset
df <- cbind.data.frame(df, data.frame(out=rep(c(TRUE,FALSE), each=13)))
hyperplot(x='x',y='y', annout=df, col=cols[df$out+1], 
                main=paste(main.hov, main.click.in, main.subsets,sep='\n'))


[Package caroline version 0.9.2 Index]