alces |
Example real-life data - Alces in Yukon and Alaska |
armit |
Example real-life data - Population Decline in Iron Age Ireland |
bison |
Example real-life data - Bison in Yukon and Alaska |
buchanan |
Example real-life data - Palaeo-Indian demography |
CalibrateSingleDetermination |
Calibrate a Single Radiocarbon Determination |
cervus |
Example real-life data - Cervus in Yukon and Alaska |
equus |
Example real-life data - Equus in Yukon and Alaska |
FindPosteriorMeanRate |
Find Posterior Mean Rate of Sample Occurrence for Poisson Process Model |
FindPredictiveCalendarAgeDensity |
Find Predictive Estimate of Shared Calendar Age Density from Bayesian Non-Parametric DPMM Output |
FindSummedProbabilityDistribution |
Find the summed probability distribution (SPD) for a set of radiocarbon observations |
GenerateOxcalCode |
Outputs code suitable for running in OxCal from a series of radiocarbon determinations |
human |
Example real-life data - Humans in Yukon and Alaska |
intcal04 |
IntCal04 calibration curve |
intcal09 |
IntCal09 calibration curve |
intcal13 |
IntCal13 calibration curve |
intcal20 |
IntCal20 calibration curve |
intcal98 |
IntCal98 calibration curve |
InterpolateCalibrationCurve |
Interpolate a calibration curve at a set of calendar ages |
kerr |
Example real-life data - Irish Rath |
mammuthus |
Example real-life data - Mammuthus in Yukon and Alaska |
PlotCalendarAgeDensityIndividualSample |
Plot Posterior Calendar Age Estimate for an Individual Determination after Joint Calibration |
PlotConvergenceData |
Plot KL Divergence of Predictive Density to Assess Convergence of Bayesian Non-Parametric DPMM Sampler |
PlotGelmanRubinDiagnosticMultiChain |
Plot Histogram of the Gelman-Rubin Convergence Diagnostic for Multiple Independent MCMC Chains |
PlotGelmanRubinDiagnosticSingleChain |
Plot Histogram of the Gelman-Rubin Convergence Diagnostic for a Single MCMC Chain |
PlotNumberOfClusters |
Plot Number of Calendar Age Clusters Estimated in Bayesian Non-Parametric DPMM Output |
PlotNumberOfInternalChanges |
Plot Number of Changepoints in Rate of Sample Occurrence for Poisson Process Model |
PlotPosteriorChangePoints |
Plot Calendar Ages of Changes in Rate of Sample Occurrence for Poisson Process Model |
PlotPosteriorHeights |
Plot Heights of Segments in Rate of Sample Occurrence for Poisson Process Model |
PlotPosteriorMeanRate |
Plot Posterior Mean Rate of Sample Occurrence for Poisson Process Model |
PlotPredictiveCalendarAgeDensity |
Plot Predictive Estimate of Shared Calendar Age Density from Bayesian Non-Parametric DPMM Output |
PolyaUrnBivarDirichlet |
Calibrate and Summarise Multiple Radiocarbon Samples via a Bayesian Non-Parametric DPMM (with Polya Urn Updating) |
PPcalibrate |
Model Occurrence of Multiple Radiocarbon Samples as a Variable-Rate Poisson Process |
pp_uniform_phase |
Example artificial data - Uniform Phase |
shcal04 |
SHCal04 calibration curve |
shcal13 |
SHCal13 calibration curve |
shcal20 |
SHCal20 calibration curve |
two_normals |
Example artificial data - Mixture of Normal Phases |
WalkerBivarDirichlet |
Calibrate and Summarise Multiple Radiocarbon Samples via a Bayesian Non-Parametric DPMM (with Walker Updating) |