Assesses the Quality of Estimates Made by Complex Sample Designs

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Documentation for package ‘calidad’ version 0.5.0

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assess assess the quality of mean estimations
casen Encuesta de Caracterización Socioeconómica Nacional 2020 - CASEN en Pandemia 2020
create_html Create html table with the results of the evaluation
create_mean Create the inputs to evaluate the quality of mean estimations
create_prop Create the inputs to evaluate the quality of proportion estimations
create_prop_internal internal function to calculate proportion estimations
create_ratio_internal internal function to calculate ratios estimations
create_size Create the inputs to evaluate the quality of total estimations
create_total Create the inputs to evaluate the quality of the sum of continuous variables
ene Encuesta Nacional de Empleo - ENE. 2020-efm
enusc Encuesta Nacional Urbana de Seguridad ciudadana 2019 - ENUSC 2019
epf_personas VIII Encuesta de Presupuestos Familiares
get_cv Get the coefficient of variation
get_df Get degrees of freedom
get_survey_table Calculates multiple estimations. Internal wrapper for survey package
quadratic Calcula el valor de una función cuadrática
standardize_columns standardize and sort column names
standardize_design_variables Standardize the name of design variables