testCVPAT {cSEM} | R Documentation |
Perform a Cross-Validated Predictive Ability Test (CVPAT)
.object1 = NULL,
.object2 = NULL,
.approach_predict = c("earliest", "direct"),
.seed = NULL,
.cv_folds = 10,
.handle_inadmissibles = c("stop", "ignore"),
.testtype = c("twosided", "onesided"))
.object1 |
An R object of class cSEMResults resulting from a call to |
.object2 |
An R object of class cSEMResults resulting from a call to |
.approach_predict |
Character string. Which approach should be used to predictions? One of "earliest" and "direct". If "earliest" predictions for indicators associated to endogenous constructs are performed using only indicators associated to exogenous constructs. If "direct", predictions for indicators associated to endogenous constructs are based on indicators associated to their direct antecedents. Defaults to "earliest". |
.seed |
Integer or |
.cv_folds |
Integer. The number of cross-validation folds to use. Setting
.handle_inadmissibles |
Character string. How should inadmissible results
be treated? One of "drop", "ignore", or "replace". If "drop", all
replications/resamples yielding an inadmissible result will be dropped
(i.e. the number of results returned will potentially be less than |
.testtype |
Character string. One of "twosided" (H1: The models do not perform equally in predicting indicators belonging to endogenous constructs)" and onesided" (H1: Model 1 performs better in predicting indicators belonging to endogenous constructs than model2). Defaults to "twosided". |
Perform a Cross-Validated Predictive Ability Test (CVPAT) as described in (Liengaard et al. 2020). The predictive performance of two models based on the same dataset is compared. In doing so, the average difference in losses in predictions is compared for both models.
An object of class cSEMCVPAT
with print and plot methods.
Technically, cSEMCVPAT
is a
named list containing the following list elements:
- '$Information'
Additional information.
Liengaard BD, Sharma PN, Hult GTM, Jensen MB, Sarstedt M, Hair JF, Ringle CM (2020). “Prediction: Coveted, Yet Forsaken? Introducing a Cross-Validated Predictive Ability Test in Partial Least Squares Path Modeling.” Decision Sciences, 52(2), 362–392. doi:10.1111/deci.12445.
See Also
csem, cSEMResults, exportToExcel()
### Anime example taken from https://github.com/ISS-Analytics/pls-predict/
# Load data
data(Anime) # data is similar to the Anime.csv found on
# https://github.com/ISS-Analytics/pls-predict/ but with irrelevant
# columns removed
# Split into training and data the same way as it is done on
# https://github.com/ISS-Analytics/pls-predict/
index <- sample.int(dim(Anime)[1], 83, replace = FALSE)
dat_train <- Anime[-index, ]
dat_test <- Anime[index, ]
# Specify model
model <- "
# Structural model
ApproachAvoidance ~ PerceivedVisualComplexity + Arousal
# Measurement/composite model
ApproachAvoidance =~ AA0 + AA1 + AA2 + AA3
PerceivedVisualComplexity <~ VX0 + VX1 + VX2 + VX3 + VX4
Arousal <~ Aro1 + Aro2 + Aro3 + Aro4
# Estimate (replicating the results of the `simplePLS()` function)
res <- csem(dat_train,
.disattenuate = FALSE, # original PLS
.iter_max = 300,
.tolerance = 1e-07,
.PLS_weight_scheme_inner = "factorial"
# Predict using a user-supplied training data set
pp <- predict(res, .test_data = dat_test)
### Compute prediction metrics ------------------------------------------------
res2 <- csem(Anime, # whole data set
.disattenuate = FALSE, # original PLS
.iter_max = 300,
.tolerance = 1e-07,
.PLS_weight_scheme_inner = "factorial"
# Predict using 10-fold cross-validation
## Not run:
pp2 <- predict(res, .benchmark = "lm")
## There is a plot method available
## End(Not run)
### Example using OrdPLScPredict -----------------------------------------------
# Transform the numerical indicators into factors
## Not run:
data_new <- data.frame(cei1 = as.ordered(BergamiBagozzi2000$cei1),
cei2 = as.ordered(BergamiBagozzi2000$cei2),
cei3 = as.ordered(BergamiBagozzi2000$cei3),
cei4 = as.ordered(BergamiBagozzi2000$cei4),
cei5 = as.ordered(BergamiBagozzi2000$cei5),
cei6 = as.ordered(BergamiBagozzi2000$cei6),
cei7 = as.ordered(BergamiBagozzi2000$cei7),
cei8 = as.ordered(BergamiBagozzi2000$cei8),
ma1 = as.ordered(BergamiBagozzi2000$ma1),
ma2 = as.ordered(BergamiBagozzi2000$ma2),
ma3 = as.ordered(BergamiBagozzi2000$ma3),
ma4 = as.ordered(BergamiBagozzi2000$ma4),
ma5 = as.ordered(BergamiBagozzi2000$ma5),
ma6 = as.ordered(BergamiBagozzi2000$ma6),
orgcmt1 = as.ordered(BergamiBagozzi2000$orgcmt1),
orgcmt2 = as.ordered(BergamiBagozzi2000$orgcmt2),
orgcmt3 = as.ordered(BergamiBagozzi2000$orgcmt3),
orgcmt5 = as.ordered(BergamiBagozzi2000$orgcmt5),
orgcmt6 = as.ordered(BergamiBagozzi2000$orgcmt6),
orgcmt7 = as.ordered(BergamiBagozzi2000$orgcmt7),
orgcmt8 = as.ordered(BergamiBagozzi2000$orgcmt8))
model <- "
# Measurement models
OrgPres =~ cei1 + cei2 + cei3 + cei4 + cei5 + cei6 + cei7 + cei8
OrgIden =~ ma1 + ma2 + ma3 + ma4 + ma5 + ma6
AffJoy =~ orgcmt1 + orgcmt2 + orgcmt3 + orgcmt7
AffLove =~ orgcmt5 + orgcmt 6 + orgcmt8
# Structural model
OrgIden ~ OrgPres
AffLove ~ OrgIden
AffJoy ~ OrgIden
# Estimate using cSEM; note: the fact that indicators are factors triggers OrdPLSc
res <- csem(.model = model, .data = data_new[1:250,])
# Predict using OrdPLSPredict
pred <- predict(
.object = res,
.benchmark = "PLS-PM",
.test_data = data_new[(251):305,],
.treat_as_continuous = TRUE, .approach_score_target = "median"
round(pred$Prediction_metrics[, -1], 4)
## End(Not run)