act_recode {bupaR}R Documentation

Recode activity labels


Recode one or more activity labels through specifying their old and new label


act_recode(log, ..., eventlog = deprecated())

## S3 method for class 'log'
act_recode(log, ..., eventlog = deprecated())

## S3 method for class 'grouped_log'
act_recode(log, ..., eventlog = deprecated())



log: Object of class log or derivatives (grouped_log, eventlog, activitylog, etc.).


A sequence of named character vectors of length one where the names gives the new label and the value gives the old label. Labels not mentioned will be left unchanged.


[Deprecated]; please use log instead.

Methods (by class)

See Also

eventlog, activity_id, act_unite

Other Activity processing functions: act_collapse(), act_unite()

[Package bupaR version 0.5.4 Index]