estimate_multinom_ci {bumblebee}R Documentation

estimate_multinom_ci Estimates confidence intervals for transmission flows


This function computes simultaneous confidence intervals at the 5% significance level for estimated transmission flows. Available methods for computing confidence intervals are: Goodman, Goodman with a continuity correction, Sison-Glaz and Queensbury-Hurst.


estimate_multinom_ci(df_theta_hat, ...)

## Default S3 method:
estimate_multinom_ci(df_theta_hat, detailed_report = FALSE, ...)



A data.frame returned by the function: estimate_theta_hat()


Further arguments.


A boolean value to produce detailed output of the analysis. (Default is FALSE)


Returns a data.frame containing:

The following additional fields are returned if the detailed_report flag is set

Methods (by class)


  1. Magosi LE, et al., Deep-sequence phylogenetics to quantify patterns of HIV transmission in the context of a universal testing and treatment trial – BCPP/ Ya Tsie trial. To submit for publication, 2021.

  2. Goodman, L. A. On Simultaneous Confidence Intervals for Multinomial Proportions Technometrics, 1965. 7, 247-254.

  3. Cherry, S., A Comparison of Confidence Interval Methods for Habitat Use-Availability Studies. The Journal of Wildlife Management, 1996. 60(3): p. 653-658.

  4. Sison, C.P and Glaz, J. Simultaneous confidence intervals and sample size determination for multinomial proportions. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1995. 90:366-369.

  5. Glaz, J., Sison, C.P. Simultaneous confidence intervals for multinomial proportions. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 1999. 82:251-262.

  6. May, W.L., Johnson, W.D. Constructing two-sided simultaneous confidence intervals for multinomial proportions for small counts in a large number of cells. Journal of Statistical Software, 2000. 5(6). Paper and code available at

  7. Carnegie, N.B., et al., Linkage of viral sequences among HIV-infected village residents in Botswana: estimation of linkage rates in the presence of missing data. PLoS Computational Biology, 2014. 10(1): p. e1003430.

  8. Ratmann, O., et al., Inferring HIV-1 transmission networks and sources of epidemic spread in Africa with deep-sequence phylogenetic analysis. Nature Communications, 2019. 10(1): p. 1411.

  9. Wymant, C., et al., PHYLOSCANNER: Inferring Transmission from Within- and Between-Host Pathogen Genetic Diversity. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2017. 35(3): p. 719-733.

See Also

See estimate_theta_hat to prepare input data to estimate confidence intervals.

     To learn more about the Goodman and Sison-Glaz confidence interval methods 
     see \code{\link[DescTools]{MultinomCI}}. For Queensbury-Hurst confidence
     intervals see \code{\link[ACSWR]{QH_CI}} and \code{\link[CoinMinD]{QH}}



# Compute confidence intervals for estimated transmission flows

# We shall use the data of HIV transmissions within and between intervention and control
# communities in the BCPP/Ya Tsie HIV prevention trial. To learn more about the data 
# ?counts_hiv_transmission_pairs and ?sampling_frequency

# Load and view data
# The data comprises counts of observed directed HIV transmission pairs between individuals 
# sampled from intervention and control communities (i.e. num_linked_pairs_observed); 
# and the estimated HIV transmissions within and between intervention and control 
# communities in the BCPP/Ya Tsie trial population adjusted for sampling heterogneity
# (i.e. \code{est_linkedpairs_in_population}). See ?estimate_theta_hat() for details on 
# computing \code{est_linkedpairs_in_population} and \code{theta_hat}.

results_estimate_theta_hat <- estimated_hiv_transmission_flows[, c(1:13)]
# Compute Goodman confidence intervals (Default)
results_estimate_multinom_ci <- estimate_multinom_ci(
    df_theta_hat = results_estimate_theta_hat, 
    detailed_report = FALSE)

# View results

# Compute Goodman, Sison-Glaz and Queensbury-Hurst confidence intervals
results_estimate_multinom_ci_detailed <- estimate_multinom_ci(
    df_theta_hat = results_estimate_theta_hat, 
    detailed_report = TRUE)

# View results

[Package bumblebee version 0.1.0 Index]