diag_ssm {bsam}R Documentation

Plot standard McMC convergence diagnostics to help determine lack of model convergence.


Takes a fitted fit_ssm object and uses standard McMC convergence diagnostic plots to aid assessment of lack of convergence.





an output object from fit_ssm


Uses plotting functions from Martyn Plummer's coda package to help diagnose lack of convergence for the core model parameters. The traceplot shows the time series for both McMC chains; the density plot shows the density estimate for each parameter; the autocorrelation plots show the within-chain sample autocorrelation for each parameter; the G-B-R shrink factor plot shows the evolution of Gelman and Rubin's shrink factor for increasing number of iterations. See the coda package for further details.


Brooks SP, Gelman A (1998) General methods for monitoring convergence of iterative simulations. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 7:434-455

[Package bsam version 1.1.3 Index]