bs4TabCard {bs4Dash} | R Documentation |
Create a Boostrap 4 tabCard
Build an adminLTE3 card with tabs
id = NULL,
selected = NULL,
title = NULL,
width = 6,
height = NULL,
side = c("left", "right"),
type = NULL,
footer = NULL,
status = NULL,
solidHeader = FALSE,
background = NULL,
collapsible = TRUE,
collapsed = FALSE,
closable = FALSE,
maximizable = FALSE,
icon = NULL,
gradient = FALSE,
boxToolSize = "sm",
elevation = NULL,
headerBorder = TRUE,
label = NULL,
dropdownMenu = NULL,
sidebar = NULL,
.list = NULL
id = NULL,
selected = NULL,
title = NULL,
width = 6,
height = NULL,
side = c("left", "right"),
type = NULL,
footer = NULL,
status = NULL,
solidHeader = FALSE,
background = NULL,
collapsible = TRUE,
collapsed = FALSE,
closable = FALSE,
maximizable = FALSE,
icon = NULL,
gradient = FALSE,
boxToolSize = "sm",
elevation = NULL,
headerBorder = TRUE,
label = NULL,
dropdownMenu = NULL,
sidebar = NULL,
.list = NULL
... |
Contents of the box. |
id |
Card id. |
selected |
The |
title |
Optional title. |
width |
The width of the box, using the Bootstrap grid system. This is
used for row-based layouts. The overall width of a region is 12, so the
default card width of 6 occupies 1/2 of that width. For column-based
layouts, use |
height |
The height of a box, in pixels or other CSS unit. By default the height scales automatically with the content. |
side |
tabPanel side. Either left or right. |
type |
footer |
Optional footer text. |
status |
The status of the item. This determines the item's background color. Valid statuses are defined as follows:
solidHeader |
Should the header be shown with a solid color background? |
background |
If NULL (the default), the background of the box will be white. Otherwise, a color string. Valid colors are listed in validColors. See below:
collapsible |
If TRUE, display a button in the upper right that allows the user to collapse the box. |
collapsed |
If TRUE, start collapsed. This must be used with
closable |
If TRUE, display a button in the upper right that allows the user to close the box. |
maximizable |
If TRUE, the card can be displayed in full screen mode. |
icon |
Header icon. Displayed before title. Expect |
gradient |
Whether to allow gradient effect for the background color. Default to FALSE. |
boxToolSize |
Size of the toolbox: choose among "xs", "sm", "md", "lg". |
elevation |
Card elevation. |
headerBorder |
Whether to display a border between the header and body. TRUE by default |
label |
Slot for boxLabel. |
dropdownMenu |
List of items in the boxtool dropdown menu. Use boxDropdown. |
sidebar |
Slot for boxSidebar. |
.list |
In case of programmatically generated items. See example. |
User will access the tabBox input with input$<id>_box. This allows to get the state of the box and update it on the server with updateBox. Don't forget that the title should not be too long, especially if you have more than 3 tabs and want the box to be collapsible, closable and maximizable, as these elements take extra horizontal space.
David Granjon,
See Also
Other cards:
if (interactive()) {
menu_tab <- lapply(1:3, function(i) {
sprintf("Menu %s", i),
sprintf("Hello tab %s", i)
ui = dashboardPage(
header = dashboardHeader(),
sidebar = dashboardSidebar(),
controlbar = dashboardControlbar(),
footer = dashboardFooter(),
title = "tabBox",
body = dashboardBody(
id = "tabcard",
title = "A card with tabs",
selected = "Tab 2",
status = "primary",
solidHeader = FALSE,
type = "tabs",
title = "Tab 1",
"Content 1"
title = "Tab 2",
"Content 2"
title = "Tab 3",
"Content 3"
id = "mybox2",
title = "",
.list = menu_tab
"Selected a tab",
choices = paste("Menu", 1:3),
"Menu 2"
server = function(input, output, session) {
observeEvent(input$tab, {
updateTabsetPanel(session, inputId = "mybox2", input$tab)