accordion | Bootstrap 4 accordion container |
accordionItem | Bootstrap 4 accordion container |
actionButton | Bootstrap 4 Action button/link |
addPopover | Create a Bootstrap 4 popover from the UI side |
addTooltip | Create a Bootstrap 4 Tooltip from the UI side |
appButton | AdminLTE2 special large button |
attachmentBlock | AdminLTE3 attachment container |
blockQuote | Boostrap 4 block quote |
box | AdminLTE3 description block |
boxComment | AdminLTE3 social card |
boxDropdown | Create a box dropdown item list |
boxDropdownItem | Create a box dropdown item list |
boxLabel | Create a label for Boostrap 4 card |
boxLayout | Bootstrap 4 container for cards |
boxPad | AdminLTE3 description block |
boxProfile | AdminLTE3 card profile |
boxProfileItem | AdminLTE3 card profile |
boxSidebar | Create a sidebar for Boostrap 4 card |
bs4Accordion | Bootstrap 4 accordion container |
bs4AccordionItem | Bootstrap 4 accordion container |
bs4Badge | Create a Bootstrap 4 dashboard badge item |
bs4Callout | Create a Bootstrap 4 callout |
bs4Card | AdminLTE3 description block |
bs4CardLabel | Create a label for Boostrap 4 card |
bs4CardLayout | Bootstrap 4 container for cards |
bs4CardSidebar | Create a sidebar for Boostrap 4 card |
bs4Carousel | Bootstrap 4 carousel |
bs4CarouselItem | Bootstrap 4 carousel |
bs4DashBody | Boostrap 4 dashboard body |
bs4DashBrand | Alternative to simple text title |
bs4DashControlbar | Create a Boostrap 4 dashboard right sidebar |
bs4DashFooter | Dashboard Footer |
bs4DashGallery | Launch the bs4Dash Gallery |
bs4DashNavbar | Boostrap 4 dashboard navbar |
bs4DashPage | Create a Boostrap 4 dashboard page |
bs4DashSidebar | Create a Boostrap 4 dashboard main sidebar |
bs4DropdownMenu | Boostrap 4 dashboard dropdown menu |
bs4InfoBox | Boostrap 4 info box |
bs4InfoBoxOutput | Boostrap 4 info box |
bs4Jumbotron | BS4 jumbotron for AdminLTE3 |
bs4ListGroup | BS4 list group for AdminLTE3 |
bs4ListGroupItem | BS4 list group for AdminLTE3 |
bs4Loading | AdminLTE3 loading state element |
bs4MultiProgressBar | AdminLTE3 progress bar |
bs4ProgressBar | AdminLTE3 progress bar |
bs4Quote | Boostrap 4 block quote |
bs4Ribbon | Boostrap 4 ribbon |
bs4SidebarHeader | Create a Boostrap 4 dashboard main sidebar |
bs4SidebarMenu | Create a Boostrap 4 dashboard main sidebar |
bs4SidebarMenuItem | Create a Boostrap 4 dashboard main sidebar |
bs4SidebarMenuSubItem | Create a Boostrap 4 dashboard main sidebar |
bs4SidebarUserPanel | Create a Boostrap 4 dashboard main sidebar |
bs4SocialCard | AdminLTE3 social card |
bs4Sortable | BS4 sortable section |
bs4Stars | AdminLTE3 stars |
bs4TabCard | Create a Boostrap 4 tabCard |
bs4TabItem | Boostrap 4 dashboard body |
bs4TabItems | Boostrap 4 dashboard body |
bs4Timeline | AdminLTE3 timeline block |
bs4TimelineEnd | AdminLTE3 timeline block |
bs4TimelineItem | AdminLTE3 timeline block |
bs4TimelineItemMedia | AdminLTE3 timeline block |
bs4TimelineLabel | AdminLTE3 timeline block |
bs4TimelineStart | AdminLTE3 timeline block |
bs4UserCard | AdminLTE3 widget user card |
bs4UserDescription | AdminLTE3 widget user card |
bs4UserMenu | Bootstrap 4 user profile. |
bs4ValueBox | Create a value box (server side) |
bs4ValueBoxOutput | Create a value box (server side) |
callout | Create a Bootstrap 4 callout |
cardComment | AdminLTE3 social card |
cardDropdown | Create a box dropdown item list |
cardDropdownItem | Create a box dropdown item list |
cardLabel | Create a label for Boostrap 4 card |
cardPad | AdminLTE3 description block |
cardProfile | AdminLTE3 card profile |
cardProfileItem | AdminLTE3 card profile |
cardSidebar | Create a sidebar for Boostrap 4 card |
carousel | Bootstrap 4 carousel |
carouselItem | Bootstrap 4 carousel |
closeAlert | Create a Bootstrap 4 alert on the server side |
column | Boostrap 4 column system |
controlbarItem | Create a Boostrap 4 dashboard right sidebar |
controlbarMenu | Create a Boostrap 4 dashboard right sidebar |
createAlert | Create a Bootstrap 4 alert on the server side |
dashboardBadge | Create a Bootstrap 4 dashboard badge item |
dashboardBody | Boostrap 4 dashboard body |
dashboardBrand | Alternative to simple text title |
dashboardControlbar | Create a Boostrap 4 dashboard right sidebar |
dashboardFooter | Dashboard Footer |
dashboardHeader | Boostrap 4 dashboard navbar |
dashboardPage | Create a Boostrap 4 dashboard page |
dashboardSidebar | Create a Boostrap 4 dashboard main sidebar |
dashboardUser | Bootstrap 4 user profile. |
dashboardUserItem | Bootstrap 4 user profile. |
descriptionBlock | AdminLTE3 description block |
dropdownDivider | Create a box dropdown divider |
dropdownHeader | Dropdown header helper |
dropdownMenu | Boostrap 4 dashboard dropdown menu |
dropdownMenuOutput | Create a dropdown menu output (client side) |
getAdminLTEColors | Get all AdminLTE colors. |
infoBox | Boostrap 4 info box |
infoBoxOutput | Boostrap 4 info box |
insertTab | Insert a tabPanel in a tabsetPanel |
ionicon | BS4 ionicons |
jumbotron | BS4 jumbotron for AdminLTE3 |
listGroup | BS4 list group for AdminLTE3 |
listGroupItem | BS4 list group for AdminLTE3 |
loadingState | AdminLTE3 loading state element |
menuItem | Create a Boostrap 4 dashboard main sidebar |
menuItemOutput | Create a sidebar menu item output (client side) |
menuOutput | Create a dynamic menu output for bs4Dash (client side) |
menuSubItem | Create a Boostrap 4 dashboard main sidebar |
messageItem | Boostrap 4 dashboard dropdown menu |
multiProgressBar | AdminLTE3 progress bar |
navbarMenu | Navbar tab item |
navbarTab | Navbar tab item |
notificationItem | Boostrap 4 dashboard dropdown menu |
pagination | Bootstrap 4 pagination widget |
paginationItem | Bootstrap 4 pagination widget |
popover | Create a Bootstrap 4 popover from the UI side |
productList | AdminLTE3 product list container |
productListItem | AdminLTE3 product list container |
progressBar | AdminLTE3 progress bar |
removePopover | Create a Bootstrap 4 popover from the UI side |
removeTooltip | Create a Bootstrap 4 Tooltip from the UI side |
renderbs4InfoBox | Boostrap 4 info box |
renderbs4ValueBox | Create a value box (server side) |
renderInfoBox | Boostrap 4 info box |
renderMenu | Create dynamic menu output (server side) |
renderUser | Bootstrap 4 user profile. |
renderValueBox | Create a value box (server side) |
ribbon | Boostrap 4 ribbon |
sidebarHeader | Create a Boostrap 4 dashboard main sidebar |
sidebarMenu | Create a Boostrap 4 dashboard main sidebar |
sidebarMenuOutput | Create a sidebar menu output (client side) |
sidebarUserPanel | Create a Boostrap 4 dashboard main sidebar |
skinSelector | AdminLTE3 skin selector |
socialBox | AdminLTE3 social card |
sortable | BS4 sortable section |
starBlock | AdminLTE3 stars |
tabBox | Create a Boostrap 4 tabCard |
tabItem | Boostrap 4 dashboard body |
tabItems | Boostrap 4 dashboard body |
tabsetPanel | Create a tabsetPanel |
taskItem | Boostrap 4 dashboard dropdown menu |
timelineBlock | AdminLTE3 timeline block |
timelineEnd | AdminLTE3 timeline block |
timelineItem | AdminLTE3 timeline block |
timelineItemMedia | AdminLTE3 timeline block |
timelineLabel | AdminLTE3 timeline block |
timelineStart | AdminLTE3 timeline block |
toast | Create an adminLTE toast |
tooltip | Create a Bootstrap 4 Tooltip from the UI side |
updateAccordion | Bootstrap 4 accordion container |
updateBox | AdminLTE3 description block |
updateBoxSidebar | Create a sidebar for Boostrap 4 card |
updatebs4Card | AdminLTE3 description block |
updatebs4CardSidebar | Create a sidebar for Boostrap 4 card |
updatebs4Sidebar | Create a Boostrap 4 dashboard main sidebar |
updatebs4TabItems | Create a Boostrap 4 dashboard main sidebar |
updateCard | AdminLTE3 description block |
updateCardSidebar | Create a sidebar for Boostrap 4 card |
updateControlbar | Create a Boostrap 4 dashboard right sidebar |
updateControlbarMenu | Create a Boostrap 4 dashboard right sidebar |
updateNavbarTabs | Navbar tab item |
updatePagination | Bootstrap 4 pagination widget |
updateSidebar | Create a Boostrap 4 dashboard main sidebar |
updateTabItems | Create a Boostrap 4 dashboard main sidebar |
updateUserMessages | AdminLTE3 user message container |
useAutoColor | Plot auto-color module |
userBlock | AdminLTE3 social card |
userBox | AdminLTE3 widget user card |
userDescription | AdminLTE3 widget user card |
userList | AdminLTE3 user list container |
userListItem | AdminLTE3 user list container |
userMessage | AdminLTE3 user message container |
userMessages | AdminLTE3 user message container |
userOutput | Bootstrap 4 user profile. |
userPost | AdminLTE3 user post |
userPostMedia | AdminLTE3 user post media |
userPostTagItem | AdminLTE3 user post |
userPostTagItems | AdminLTE3 user post |
valueBox | Create a value box (server side) |
valueBoxOutput | Create a value box (server side) |