Combine Parameter Estimates via Parametric Bootstrap

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Documentation for package ‘bootComb’ version 1.1.2

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adjPrevSensSpec Adjust a prevalence point estimate for a given assay sensitivity and specificity.
adjPrevSensSpecCI Adjust a prevalence point estimate and confidence interval for a given assay sensitivity and specificity (also known only imprecisely).
bootComb Combine parameter estimates via bootstrap
getBetaFromCI Find the best-fit beta distribution for a given confidence interval for a probability parameter.
getExpFromCI Find the best-fit exponential distribution for a given confidence interval.
getGammaFromCI Find the best-fit gamma distribution for a given confidence interval.
getNegBinFromCI Find the best-fit negative binomial distribution for a given confidence interval.
getNormFromCI Find the best-fit normal / Gaussian distribution for a given confidence interval.
getPoisFromCI Find the best-fit Poisson distribution for a given confidence interval.
identifyBetaPars Determine the parameters of the best-fit beta distribution for a given confidence interval for a probability parameter.
identifyExpPars Determine the parameters of the best-fit exponential distribution for a given confidence interval.
identifyGammaPars Determine the parameters of the best-fit gamma distribution for a given confidence interval.
identifyNegBinPars Determine the parameters of the best-fit negative binomial distribution for a given confidence interval.
identifyNormPars Determine the parameters of the best-fit normal / Gaussian distribution for a given confidence interval.
identifyPoisPars Determine the parameters of the best-fit Poisson distribution for a given confidence interval.
simScenPrevSensSpec Simulation scenario for adjusting a prevalence for sensitivity and specificity.
simScenProductTwoPrevs Simulation scenario for the product of two prevlaence estimates.
ssBetaPars Compute the sum of squares between the theoretical and observed quantiles of a beta distribution.
ssExpPars Compute the sum of squares between the theoretical and observed quantiles of an exponential distribution.
ssGammaPars Compute the sum of squares between the theoretical and observed quantiles of a gamma distribution.
ssNegBinPars Compute the sum of squares between the theoretical and observed quantiles of a negative binomial distribution.
ssNormPars Compute the sum of squares between the theoretical and observed quantiles of a normal / Gaussian distribution.
ssPoisPars Compute the sum of squares between the theoretical and observed quantiles of a Poisson distribution.