adjPrevSensSpec |
Adjust a prevalence point estimate for a given assay sensitivity and specificity. |
adjPrevSensSpecCI |
Adjust a prevalence point estimate and confidence interval for a given assay sensitivity and specificity (also known only imprecisely). |
bootComb |
Combine parameter estimates via bootstrap |
getBetaFromCI |
Find the best-fit beta distribution for a given confidence interval for a probability parameter. |
getExpFromCI |
Find the best-fit exponential distribution for a given confidence interval. |
getGammaFromCI |
Find the best-fit gamma distribution for a given confidence interval. |
getNegBinFromCI |
Find the best-fit negative binomial distribution for a given confidence interval. |
getNormFromCI |
Find the best-fit normal / Gaussian distribution for a given confidence interval. |
getPoisFromCI |
Find the best-fit Poisson distribution for a given confidence interval. |
identifyBetaPars |
Determine the parameters of the best-fit beta distribution for a given confidence interval for a probability parameter. |
identifyExpPars |
Determine the parameters of the best-fit exponential distribution for a given confidence interval. |
identifyGammaPars |
Determine the parameters of the best-fit gamma distribution for a given confidence interval. |
identifyNegBinPars |
Determine the parameters of the best-fit negative binomial distribution for a given confidence interval. |
identifyNormPars |
Determine the parameters of the best-fit normal / Gaussian distribution for a given confidence interval. |
identifyPoisPars |
Determine the parameters of the best-fit Poisson distribution for a given confidence interval. |
simScenPrevSensSpec |
Simulation scenario for adjusting a prevalence for sensitivity and specificity. |
simScenProductTwoPrevs |
Simulation scenario for the product of two prevlaence estimates. |
ssBetaPars |
Compute the sum of squares between the theoretical and observed quantiles of a beta distribution. |
ssExpPars |
Compute the sum of squares between the theoretical and observed quantiles of an exponential distribution. |
ssGammaPars |
Compute the sum of squares between the theoretical and observed quantiles of a gamma distribution. |
ssNegBinPars |
Compute the sum of squares between the theoretical and observed quantiles of a negative binomial distribution. |
ssNormPars |
Compute the sum of squares between the theoretical and observed quantiles of a normal / Gaussian distribution. |
ssPoisPars |
Compute the sum of squares between the theoretical and observed quantiles of a Poisson distribution. |