Boosting Regression Quantiles

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Documentation for package ‘boostrq’ version 1.0.0

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boostrq Fitting a boosting regression quantiles model
brq base learner for boosting linear regression quantiles
coef.boostrq estimated coefficients of boosting regression quantiles
cvrisk.boostrq Crossvalidation for boostrq
fitted.boostrq fitted values of boosting regression quantiles
mstop.boostrq Current number of iterations of boostrq
predict.boostrq Model predictions for boosting regression quantiles
print.boostrq printing boosting regression quantiles
print.summary.boostrq Print result summaries for a boostrq object
residuals.boostrq residuals of boosting regression quantiles
risk.boostrq Empirical Quantile Risk of boostrq Object
selected.boostrq Extract indices of selected base learners
stabsel.boostrq Stability Selection for boosting regression quantiles
summary.boostrq Result summaries for a boostrq object
update.boostrq Update and Re-fit a boostrq model
[.boostrq Updating number of iterations