observed {blatent}R Documentation

Declares observed variables in a blatent model


Used in blatentSyntax to declare the distribution and link function for observed variables as an unevaluated function call. Sets specifications used in estimation.


observed(distribution = "bernoulli", link = "probit")



Specifies the distribution of the observed variable(s) to which the function points. Defaults to "bernoulli". Distributions currently available are:

  • "bernoulli": Specifies each variable follows a Bernoulli distribution.


Specifies the link function used for any observed variable model where the observed variable is predicted. Defaults to "probit". Link functions currently available are:

  • "probit": Uses a probit link function. Available for variables where distribution = "bernoulli" only.

[Package blatent version 0.1.2 Index]