biwavelet-package | Conduct Univariate and Bivariate Wavelet Analyses |
ar1.spectrum | Power spectrum of a random red noise process |
ar1_ma0_sim | Slightly faster 'arima.sim' implementation which assumes AR(1) and 'ma=0'. |
arrow | Helper function for 'phase.plot' (not exported) |
arrow2 | This is an alternative helper function that plots arrows. It uses 'text()' to print a character using a default font. This way, it is possible to render different types of arrows. |
biwavelet | Conduct Univariate and Bivariate Wavelet Analyses | | Check the format of time series |
check.datum | Helper function |
convolve2D | Fast column-wise convolution of a matrix |
convolve2D_typeopen | Speed-optimized version of convolve2D | | Multivariate ENSO (MEI), NPGO, and PDO indices |
get_minroots | Helper function (not exported) |
MOTHERS | Supported mother wavelets |
phase.plot | Plot phases with arrows |
plot.biwavelet | Plot 'biwavelet' objects |
pwtc | Compute partial wavelet coherence |
rcpp_row_quantile | Row-wise quantile of a matrix |
rcpp_wt_bases_dog | Optimized "" function. |
rcpp_wt_bases_morlet | Optimized "wt.bases.morlet" function. |
rcpp_wt_bases_paul | Optimized "wt.bases.paul" function. |
smooth.wavelet | Smooth wavelet in both the time and scale domains |
wclust | Compute dissimilarity between multiple wavelet spectra |
wdist | Compute dissimilarity between two wavelet spectra |
wt | Compute wavelet transform |
wt.bases | Compute wavelet | | Helper method (not exported) |
wt.bases.morlet | Helper method (not exported) |
wt.bases.paul | Helper method (not exported) |
wt.sig | Determine significance of wavelet transform |
wtc | Compute wavelet coherence |
wtc.sig | Determine significance of wavelet coherence |
wtc_sig_parallel | Parallel 'wtc.sig' |
xwt | Compute cross-wavelet |