fitovate {biogeom}R Documentation

Data-Fitting Function for the Ovate Leaf-Shape Equation


fitovate is used to estimate the parameters of a simplified performance equation.


fitovate(expr, x, y, ini.val, 
         par.list = FALSE, stand.fig = TRUE, control = list(), 
         angle = NULL, fig.opt = FALSE, index.xmax = 3, np = 2000, 
         xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, unit = NULL, main = NULL)



the simplified version 1 of the performance equations.


the xx coordinates of a polygon's boundary.


the yy coordinates of a polygon's boundary.


the initial values of the simplified version 1 of a performance equation.


an optional argument to show the list of parameters on the screen.


an optional argument to draw the observed and predicted polygons' boundaries at the standard state (i.e., the origin is located at (0, 0), and the major axis overlaps with the xx-axis).


the list of control parameters for using the optim function in package stats.


the angle between the major axis of the polygon and the xx-axis, which can be defined by the user.


an optional argument to draw the observed and predicted polygons at an arbitrary angle between the major axis and the xx-axis.


the specified index in parameters representing xmaxx_{\mathrm{max}}.


the number of data points on the predicted ovate leaf-shape curve.


the range of the xx-axis over which to plot the ovate leaf-shape curve.


the range of the yy-axis over which to plot the ovate leaf-shape curve.


the units of the xx-axis and the yy-axis when showing the ovate leaf-shape curve.


the main title of the figure.


ini.val is a list for two types of parameters: three location parameters, and model parameters. This means that expr is limited to being the simplified version 1 (where xmin=0x_{\mathrm{min}} = 0) in MbetaE, MBriereE, MLRFE, and MPerformanceE. The initial values for the first three parameters in ini.val are location parameters, among which the first two are the planar coordinates of the transferred origin, and the third is the angle between the major axis of the polygon and the xx-axis. The Nelder-Mead algorithm (Nelder and Mead, 1965) is used to carry out the optimization of minimizing the residual sum of squares (RSS) between the observed and predicted yy-axis. The optim function in package stats was used to carry out the Nelder-Mead algorithm. When angle = NULL, the observed polygon will be shown at its initial angle in the scanned image; when angle is a numerical value (e.g., π/4\pi/4) defined by the user, it indicates that the major axis is rotated by the amount (π/4\pi/4) counterclockwise from the xx-axis.



the estimates of the model parameters.


the coefficient of determination between the observed and predicted yy values.


the residual sum of squares between the observed and predicted yy values.


the number of data points on the polygon's boundary in the data fitting.


the observed length of the polygon's boundary.


the observed width of the polygon's boundary.


the observed perimeter of the polygon's boundary.


the observed area of the polygon's boundary.


the predicted length of the polygon's boundary.


the predicted width of the polygon's boundary.


the predicted perimeter of the polygon's boundary.


the predicted area of the polygon's boundary.


the observed xx coordinates at the standard state.


the predicted xx coordinates at the standard state.


the observed yy coordinates at the standard state.


the predicted yy coordinates at the standard state.


the observed xx coordinates at the transferred angles defined by the user.


the predicted xx coordinates at the transferred angles defined by the user.


the observed yy coordinates at the transferred angles defined by the user.


the predicted yy coordinates at the transferred angles defined by the user.


There are two types of parameters (i.e., three location parameters and model parameters) for the value of par. The transferred angle denotes the angle between the major axis and the xx-axis. For the argument index.xmax, the default is 3, which corresponds to the order of the model parameter of xmaxx_{\mathrm{max}} in MbetaE, MBriereE, and MLRFE. However, in MPerformanceE, index.xmax should be 4 rather than 3.


Peijian Shi, Johan Gielis, Brady K. Quinn


Jin, J., Quinn, B.K., Shi, P. (2022) The modified Brière equation and its applications. Plants 11, 1769. doi:10.3390/plants11131769

Huey, R.B., Stevenson, R.D. (1979) Integrating thermal physiology and ecology of ectotherms: a discussion of approaches. American Zoologist 19, 357-366. doi:10.1093/icb/19.1.357

Li, Y., Zheng, Y., Ratkowsky, D.A., Wei, H., Shi, P. (2022) Application of an ovate leaf shape model to evaluate leaf bilateral asymmetry and calculate lamina centroid location. Frontiers in Plant Science 12, 822907. doi:10.3389/fpls.2021.822907

Lian, M., Shi, P., Zhang, L., Yao, W., Gielis, J., Niklas, K.J. (2023) A generalized performance equation and its application in measuring the Gini index of leaf size inequality. Trees - Structure and Function 37, 1555-1565. doi:10.1007/s00468-023-02448-8

Nelder, J.A., Mead, R. (1965) A simplex method for function minimization. Computer Journal 7, 308-313. doi:10.1093/comjnl/7.4.308

Shi, P., Fan, M., Ratkowsky, D.A., Huang, J., Wu, H., Chen, L., Fang, S., Zhang, C. (2017) Comparison of two ontogenetic growth equations for animals and plants. Ecological Modelling 349, 1-10. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2017.01.012

Shi, P., Ge, F., Sun, Y., Chen, C. (2011) A simple model for describing the effect of temperature on insect developmental rate. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 14, 15-20. doi:10.1016/j.aspen.2010.11.008

Shi, P., Gielis, J., Quinn, B.K., Niklas, K.J., Ratkowsky, D.A., Schrader, J., Ruan, H., Wang, L., Niinemets, Ü. (2022) 'biogeom': An R package for simulating and fitting natural shapes. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1516, 123-134. doi:10.1111/nyas.14862

Shi, P., Yu, K., Niklas, K.J., Schrader, J., Song, Y., Zhu, R., Li, Y., Wei, H., Ratkowsky, D.A. (2021) A general model for describing the ovate leaf shape. Symmetry 13, 1524. doi:10.3390/sym13081524

See Also

areaovate, curveovate, MbetaE, MBriereE, MLRFE, MPerformanceE



uni.C <- sort( unique(Neocinnamomum$Code) )
ind   <- 2
Data  <- Neocinnamomum[Neocinnamomum$Code==uni.C[ind], ]
x0    <- Data$x
y0    <- Data$y

Res1 <- adjdata(x0, y0,,
x1   <- Res1$x
y1   <- Res1$y
plot( Res1$x, Res1$y, asp=1, cex.lab=1.5, cex.axis=1.5, 
      xlab=expression(italic("x")), ylab=expression(italic("y")) ) 

  x0.ini    <- min( x1 )
  y0.ini    <- min( y1 )
  theta.ini <- pi/4
  len.max   <- max( max(y1)-min(y1), max(x1)-min(x1) ) *2/sqrt(2)
  a.ini     <- c(0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001)
  m.ini     <- c(0.1, 0.5, 1, 2)
  x2.ini    <- len.max
  delta.ini <- c(0.5, 1)
  ini.val   <- list(x0.ini, y0.ini, theta.ini, a.ini, m.ini, x2.ini, delta.ini)

  Res1 <- fitovate(MBriereE, x=x1, y=y1, ini.val=ini.val,            
            par.list=FALSE, fig.opt=TRUE, angle=pi/6, 
            control=list(reltol=1e-20, maxit=20000), 
            np=2000, unit=NULL)

  x0.ini    <- min( x1 )
  y0.ini    <- min( y1 )
  theta.ini <- pi/4
  len.max   <- max( max(y1)-min(y1), max(x1)-min(x1) ) *2/sqrt(2)
  yc.ini    <- len.max/3 
  xc.ini    <- 1/4*len.max
  x2.ini    <- len.max
  delta.ini <- c(0.5, seq(1, 5, by=5))
  ini.val   <- list(x0.ini, y0.ini, theta.ini, yc.ini, xc.ini, x2.ini, delta.ini)

  Res2 <- fitovate( MbetaE, x=x1, y=y1, ini.val=ini.val,            
                    par.list=TRUE, fig.opt=TRUE, angle=pi/3, 
                    control=list(reltol=1e-20, maxit=20000), 
                    np=2000, unit=NULL )

  Res3 <- fitovate( MLRFE, x=x1, y=y1, ini.val=ini.val, 
                    unit=NULL, par.list=FALSE, fig.opt=TRUE, 
                    angle=NULL, control=list(reltol=1e-20, 
                    maxit=20000), np=2000)

  x0.ini    <- min( x1 )
  y0.ini    <- min( y1 )
  theta.ini <- pi/4
  len.max   <- max( max(y1)-min(y1), max(x1)-min(x1) ) *2/sqrt(2)
  c.ini     <- 1/5*len.max
  K1.ini    <- c(0.1, 1, 5, 10)
  K2.ini    <- 1
  x2.ini    <- len.max
  a.ini     <- 1
  b.ini     <- 1
  ini.val   <- list(x0.ini, y0.ini, theta.ini, c.ini, K1.ini, K2.ini, x2.ini, a.ini, b.ini)

  Res4 <- fitovate( MPerformanceE, x=x1, y=y1, ini.val=ini.val,            
                    par.list=TRUE, fig.opt=TRUE, index.xmax=4, angle=pi/3, 
                    control=list(reltol=1e-20, maxit=20000), 
                    np=2000, unit=NULL )

[Package biogeom version 1.4.3 Index]