biotype {bioclim} | R Documentation |
Bioclimatic classification
Calculates bioclimatic classification based on bioclimatic balance.
biotype(t = NULL, p = NULL, lat = NULL, wb = NULL, bb = NULL, CC = NULL, mode)
t |
Numeric. Monthly temperature required for water balance calculation. |
p |
Numeric. Monthly precipitation required for water balance calculation. |
lat |
Numeric. Latitude required for water balance calculation. |
wb |
Water balance in data.frame format from watbal() function. If provided, 't' and 'p' are not used. |
bb |
Bioclimatic balancein data.frame format from biobal() function. If provided, 't', 'p' and 'wb' are not used. |
CC |
Field capacity. It depends on water retention capacity and depth of roots. 400 as default value. |
mode |
Type of output: "TBR", "sub", or "zonal". See details. |
Argument "mode" defines the type of return ("TBR": Types of Bioclimatic Regime; "zonal": zonal units; "sub": bioclimatic regime subtypes)
character defining the type of climate.
# calculation of water balance
wb <- watbal(t = rnorm(12, 18, 6), p = rnorm(12, 50, 30), lat = 35, CC = 400)
# calculation of bioclimatic balance
bb <- biobal(wb, 400)
# bioclimatic classification at TBR levels
biotype(bb = bb, mode = 'TBR')
# bioclimatic classification at zonal levels
biotype(bb = bb, mode = 'zonal')
# bioclimatic classification at subtypes levels (requires water balance)
wb <- watbal(t = rnorm(12, 18, 6), p = rnorm(12, 50, 30), lat = 35, CC = 400)
biotype(wb = wb, CC = 400, mode = 'sub')