b) Simulation Functions {bioPN}R Documentation

Simulation of a biochemical system


These functions simulate a biochemical reacton system parameterized as a Petri Net. GillespieOptimDirect, GillespieDirectGB, GibsonBruck, and GillespieDirectCR performs pure stochastic simulations, RungeKuttaDormandPrince45 a pure deterministic integration, HaseltineRawlings a hybrid of the above. PartitionedLeaping a dynamic-repartitioning simulation. Multiple runs can be performed at once.

See init for a way of defining the model that is close to the way reactions are written.


## Exact stochastic simulation: 
GillespieOptimDirect(model, timep, delta=1, runs=1)
GillespieDirectGB(model, timep, delta=1, runs=1)
GibsonBruck(model, timep, delta=1, runs=1)
GillespieDirectCR(model, timep, delta=1, runs=1)

## Pure deterministic:
RungeKuttaDormandPrince45(model, timep, delta=1, ect = 1e-09)

## Hybrid stochastic/deterministic:
HaseltineRawlings(model, timep, delta=1, runs=1, ect = 1e-09)

## Dynamic re-partitioning:
PartitionedLeaping(model, timep, delta=1, runs=1, ect = 1e-09)



list containing named elements:


It can be either a numeric, indicating for how long (in the same time units as the propensity constants) the process will run, or a functions (R or C), in which case can be used to change the protocol at time intervals. See details.


Interval time at which the state will be saved.


How many runs will be performed.


Precision for the fast reactions.


model is a list containing the following elements:


The functions return a list with the following elements:


vector with the names of the places if supplied. If not, the function creates names as follows: P1, P2, ...


vector with the names of the transitions if supplied. If not, the function creates names as follows: T1, T2, ...


vector containing the discretized times at which the state is saved (according to delta)


list with as many elements as runs. We will describe the first element, run[[1]], as the rest have exactly the same structure. It is also a list, with the following elements:


list with as many elements as places, each of them containing the state of the system sampled according to delta.


vector with as many elements as transitions, with the total of time each slow reaction fired.


numeric with the summ of run[[1]]$transitions.

See Also

init, atr


## bioPN has been tested only on 64 bits machines.
## It may fail in 32 bits architecture.
if (.Machine$sizeof.pointer == 8) {

####### Reaction constants
H <- 10
K <- 6
r <- 0.25
c <- 3
b <- 2

Gi <- 1
Ga <- 2
mRNA <- 3
Protein <- 4

model <- list(
    pre=matrix(c(1,0,0,0, 0,1,0,0, 0,1,0,0,
        0,0,1,0, 0,0,1,0, 0,0,0,1),
        ncol=4, byrow=TRUE),
    post=matrix(c(0,1,0,0, 1,0,0,0, 0,1,1,0,
        0,0,0,0, 0,0,1,1, 0,0,0,0),
        ncol=4, byrow=TRUE),
    h=list(c, b, H, 1, K, r),

timep <- 200
delta <- 1

## Completely Deterministic ##
Sim <- RungeKuttaDormandPrince45(model, timep, delta)

## Note, it could also be done as follows
## slow <- rep(0, transitions)
## Sim <- HaseltineRawlings(model, timep, delta, runs = 1)

mRNA.run <- Sim$run[[1]]$M[[mRNA]]
protein.run <- Sim$run[[1]]$M[[Protein]]

## Theoretical results (red lines in following plots)
Mean.mRNA <- c/(c+b)*H
Mean.protein <- Mean.mRNA * K/r

par(mar=c(2, 4, 2, 1) + 0.1)
plot(Sim$dt, mRNA.run,type="l", ylab="Mean",main="mRNA")
legend(x="bottom", paste("Deterministic run"))
abline(h=Mean.mRNA,col="red", lwd=1)
plot(Sim$dt, protein.run,type="l", ylab="Mean",main="Protein")
legend(x="bottom", paste("Deterministic run"))
abline(h=Mean.protein,col="red", lwd=1)

runs <- 100	## Increase to 10000 for better fit
## Completely Stochastic ##
set.seed(19761111)  ## Set a seed (for reproducible results)
Sim <- GillespieOptimDirect(model, timep, delta, runs)

## Note, it could also be done as follows
## slow <- rep(1, transitions)
## Sim <- HaseltineRawlings(model, timep, delta, runs)

mRNA.run <- sapply(Sim$run, function(run) {run$M[[mRNA]]})
protein.run <- sapply(Sim$run, function(run) {run$M[[Protein]]})

## Histograms of protein at different time points.
par(mar=c(2, 4, 2.5, 1) + 0.1)
hist(protein.run[Sim$dt == 1,], main="Protein Distribution at t=1sec")
hist(protein.run[Sim$dt == 2,], main="Protein Distribution at t=2sec")
hist(protein.run[Sim$dt == 10,], main="Protein Distribution at t=10sec")
hist(protein.run[Sim$dt == 200,], main="Protein Distribution at t=200sec")

## Theoretical results (red lines in following plots)
Mean.mRNA <- c/(c+b)*H
Var.mRNA <- b/(c*(1+c+b))*Mean.mRNA^2 + Mean.mRNA
Mean.protein <- Mean.mRNA * K/r
Var.protein <- r*b*(1+c+b+r)/(c*(1+r)*(1+c+b)*(r+c+b))*Mean.protein^2 +
  r/(1+r)*Mean.protein^2/Mean.mRNA + Mean.protein

if (runs > 1 ) {
} else {
par(mar=c(2, 4, 2, 1) + 0.1)
plot(Sim$dt, apply(mRNA.run,1,function(tpt) {mean(tpt)}),type="l", ylab="Mean",main="mRNA")
legend(x="bottom", paste("Gene, mRNA and Protein Stochastic\nRuns :", runs))
abline(h=Mean.mRNA,col="red", lwd=1)
plot(Sim$dt, apply(protein.run,1,function(tpt) {mean(tpt)}),type="l", ylab="Mean",main="Protein")
legend(x="bottom", paste("Gene, mRNA and Protein Stochastic\nRuns :", runs))
abline(h=Mean.protein,col="red", lwd=1)
if (runs > 1 ) {
  par(mar=c(2, 4, 0, 1) + 0.1)
  plot(Sim$dt, apply(mRNA.run,1,function(tpt) {var(tpt)}),type="l", ylab="Var")
  abline(h=Var.mRNA,col="red", lwd=1)
  plot(Sim$dt, apply(protein.run,1,function(tpt) {var(tpt)}),type="l", ylab="Var")
  abline(h=Var.protein,col="red", lwd=1)

## Hybrid: mRNA and protein fast, gene activation/inactivation slow ##
model$slow <- c(1,1,0,0,0,0)

Sim <- HaseltineRawlings(model, timep, delta, runs)

mRNA.run <- sapply(Sim$run, function(run) {run$M[[mRNA]]})
protein.run <- sapply(Sim$run, function(run) {run$M[[Protein]]})
Mean.mRNA <- c/(c+b)*H
Var.mRNA <- b/(c*(1+c+b))*Mean.mRNA^2
Mean.protein <- Mean.mRNA * K/r
Var.protein <- r*b*(1+c+b+r)/(c*(1+r)*(1+c+b)*(r+c+b))*Mean.protein^2

if (runs > 1 ) {
} else {
par(mar=c(2, 4, 2, 1) + 0.1)
plot(Sim$dt, apply(mRNA.run,1,function(tpt) {mean(tpt)}),type="l", ylab="Mean",main="mRNA")
legend(x="bottom", paste("Only Gene Stochastic\nRuns :", runs))
abline(h=Mean.mRNA,col="red", lwd=1)
plot(Sim$dt, apply(protein.run,1,function(tpt) {mean(tpt)}),type="l", ylab="Mean",main="Protein")
legend(x="bottom", paste("Only Gene Stochastic\nRuns :", runs))
abline(h=Mean.protein,col="red", lwd=1)
if (runs > 1 ) {
  par(mar=c(2, 4, 0, 1) + 0.1)
  plot(Sim$dt, apply(mRNA.run,1,function(tpt) {var(tpt)}),type="l", ylab="Var")
  abline(h=Var.mRNA,col="red", lwd=1)
  plot(Sim$dt, apply(protein.run,1,function(tpt) {var(tpt)}),type="l", ylab="Var")
  abline(h=Var.protein,col="red", lwd=1)

[Package bioPN version 1.2.0 Index]