bio.infer-package |
Scripts for computing biological inferences |
bcnt.emapw |
Benthic count data for the western United States |
bcnt.OR |
Benthic count data for western Oregon |
bcnt.otu.OR |
Benthic count data with OTU | |
Benthic count with taxonomic hierarchy |
bio.infer |
Scripts for computing biological inferences |
coef.east.sed |
Regression coefficients for eastern U.S. sediment |
coef.west.wt |
Weighted regression coefficients for western U.S. |
correct.taxanames |
Correct unrecognized taxon names |
envdata.emapw |
Environmental data from the western United States |
envdata.OR |
Environmental data from western OR | |
List available data |
flist.match |
Selects data files matching search string |
formtomat |
Analyze formula string |
get.dupe.sel |
Get duplicate selection |
get.otu |
Defines operational taxonomic units (OTUs) |
get.taxon.names |
Get taxon names from benthic count file |
get.taxonomic |
Merge benthic count data with the ITIS taxonomy table |
get.valid.names |
Get taxon names from benthic count file |
in.ITIS |
Check to see if taxon name is in ITIS |
incorp.correct |
Incorporate taxon name revisions |
infergui |
Graphical User Interface for biological inferences |
itis.ttable |
ITIS taxonomic hierarchy table |
load.itis |
Load ITIS taxon table |
load.revised.otu |
Loads a user-revised OTU table |
load.revised.species |
Loads a user-revised list of species names |
locate.dupes |
Locate duplicated taxon names |
make.fulltab1 |
Make full taxonomic table |
make.species |
Generate species names |
makess |
Make a site-OTU matrix |
mlsolve |
Maximum likelihood inferences |
modalDialog |
Modal dialog box using TclTK | |
Output final taxonomic table | |
Parse taxon name |
remove.dupes |
Remove unselected duplicates from taxon table |
resolve.mult |
Resolve cases in which two taxa are found in ITIS |
sel.coeffile |
Select coefficient file |
ss.OR |
site-OTU matrix for western Oregon |
taxon.env |
Estimate taxon-environment relationships |
tklist.modal |
Modal select list dialog using TclTk |
trait.feeding |
Feeding traits for benthic invertebrates |
trait.habit |
Habit traits for benthic invertebrates |
trait.stat |
Compute trait metrics |
view.te |
View taxon-environment relationships |