binMto-package {binMto}R Documentation

Asymptotic simultaneous confdence intervals for many-to-one comparisons of proportions


Asymptotic simultaneous confidence intervals for comparison of many treatments with one control, for the difference of proportions, allows for Dunnett-like-adjustment, Bonferroni or unadjusted intervals.


A formal definition and simulation results of the simultaneous coverage probability under various conditions can be found in Schaarschmidt et al. (2009).


Frank Schaarschmidt

Maintainer: <>


Schaarschmidt, F., Biesheuvel, E., Hothorn, L.A. (2009) Asymptotic simultaneous confidence intervals for many-to-one comparisons of binary proportions in randomized clinical trials, Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics 19(2):292-310.


# binMto:
# Calculate and plot approximate simultaneous
# confidene intervals for many-to-one comparisons of a
# dichotomous variable in a one-way model. 

# Example from Table 5 in Koch, HF and Hothorn, LA,
# JSPI 82, 83-99:
# A toxicity study with 100 mice randomised in 4 groups.
# Response x was number of deaths after 6 months.
# Control (n=40, x=4), 10 mg/kg (n=20, x=1),
# 50 mg/kg (n=20, x=6), 100 mg/kg (n=20, x=8).

# Approximate simultaneous 95% add-4-CI: 

many21<-binMto(n=c(40,20,20,20), x=c(4,1,6,8),
 names=c("Control", "10mg", "50mg", "100mg"))



# Note that normal approximation becomes problematic for np(1-p)<2.

[Package binMto version 0.0-7 Index]