Many-to-One Comparisons of Proportions

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Documentation for package ‘binMto’ version 0.0-7

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binMto-package Asymptotic simultaneous confdence intervals for many-to-one comparisons of proportions
Add2 CI for difference of two proportions based on standard normal approximation
Add4 CI for difference of two proportions based on standard normal approximation
apprPower Approximate power (any rejection!) for many-to-one comparison of binomial proportions
binMto Confidence intervals for many-to-one comparisons of proportions
binMto.default Confidence intervals for many-to-one comparisons of proportions
binMto.formula Confidence intervals for many-to-one comparisons of proportions
ec.mto Exact conditional test for many-to-one comparisons of proportions
nbinMto Sample size iteration for many-to-one comparisons of binomials
NHS CI for difference of two proportions based on standard normal approximation
plot.binMto Plot confidence intervals calculated using binMto.
print.binMto Print function for objects of class "binMto"
simPower Simulation of power for the methods in binmto
simPowerI Simulation of power for the methods in binmto
Wald CI for difference of two proportions based on standard normal approximation