TSINFO {bimets} | R Documentation |
Get Time Series Info
This function returns detailed information about the input time series list. The requested information is defined in the argument MODE
TSINFO(..., MODE = NULL, avoidCompliance=FALSE)
... |
Input time series list. Each time series must satisfy the compliance control check defined in is.bimets .
Select the information to be retrieved from the list of time series. MODE can be set to:
STARTY: the output will be a numerical array built with the starting year of each time series in the input list.
ENDY: the output will be a numerical array built with the ending year of each time series in the input list.
STARTP: the output will be a numerical array built with the starting period of each time series in the input list.
ENDP: the output will be a numerical array built with the ending period of each time series in the input list.
START: the output will be a numerical array built with the value x=START_YEAR+START_PERIOD/FREQ calculated on each time series in the input list, where FREQ is the time series frequency.
END: the output will be a numerical array built with the value x=END_YEAR+END_PERIOD/FREQ calculated on each time series in the input list.
START2: the output will be a numerical matrix. For each time series in the input list the output matrix will have a row=c(START_YEAR,START_PERIOD) with related values.
END2: the output will be a numerical matrix. For each time series in the input list the output matrix will have a row=c(END_YEAR,END_PERIOD) with related values.
FREQ: the output will be a numerical array built with the frequency of each time series in the input list.
FACTOR: the output will be a numerical array built with the SCALEFAC metadata value of each time series in the input list.
UNITS: the output will be a string array built with the UNITS metadata string of each time series in the input list.
TITLE: the output will be a string array built with the TITLE metadata string of each time series in the input list.
SOURCE: the output will be a string array built with the SOURCE metadata string of each time series in the input list.
avoidCompliance |
If TRUE , compliance control check of input time series will be skipped. See is.bimets
This function returns an array built of the requested information about the input time series list. In the case of MODE=START2
the output will be of class matrix()
See Also
BIMETS indexing
#create ts
print(TSINFO(ts1,ts2,ts3,MODE='STARTY')) #print ... c(2004,2006,2008)
print(TSINFO(ts1,ts2,ts3,MODE='ENDP')) #print ... c(1,2,12)
print(TSINFO(ts1,ts2,ts3,MODE='FREQ')) #print ... c(2,4,12)
#print ...
#[,1] [,2]
#[1,] 2004 2
#[2,] 2006 3
#[3,] 2008 7
print(TSINFO(ts1,ts2,ts3,MODE='END')) #print ... c(2009.5, 2011.5, 2011.0)
print(TSINFO(ts1,ts2,ts3,MODE='FACTOR')) #print ... c(0,1,0)
print(TSINFO(ts1,ts2,ts3,MODE='UNITS')) #print ... c('myUnits','','')
bimets version 4.0.1