Time Series and Econometric Modeling

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Documentation for package ‘bimets’ version 4.0.1

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bimets-package bimets :: Time Series And Econometric Modeling In R
ANNUAL Annual Time Series (Dis)Aggregation
as.bimets Convert a Time Series to BIMETS
bimets bimets :: Time Series And Econometric Modeling In R
BIMETS configuration BIMETS Global Options Configuration
BIMETS Datasets BIMETS Internal Datasets
BIMETS indexing BIMETS Time Series Indexing
bimetsConf BIMETS Global Options Configuration
CUMPROD Cumulative Product
CUMSUM Cumulative Sum
CUMULO Cumulative Sum
DAILY Daily Time Series (Dis)Aggregation
date2yp Date to Year-Period Conversion
DELTA Time Series Lag Differences (Delta)
DELTAP Time Series Percentage Lag Differences (Delta Percentage)
ELIMELS Eliminate Elements from Arrays or Time Series
ESTIMATE Estimate a BIMETS model
EXTEND Extend Time Series
FRB__MCAP__WP__MODEL BIMETS Internal Datasets
FRB__MODEL BIMETS Internal Datasets
frequency Frequency of a Time Series
frequency.xts Frequency of a Time Series
fromBIMETStoTS Convert BIMETS to TS
fromTStoXTS Convert TS to XTS
fromXTStoTS Convert XTS to TS
getBIMETSconf BIMETS Global Options Configuration
GETDATE Retrieve Dates of Time Series
GETRANGE Time Series Common Range
GETYEARPERIOD Get Time Series Year-Period
idxOver BIMETS Time Series Indexing
INDEXNUM Rebase a Time Series
INTS Create Range of Indices
is.bimets Check the Compliance of a Time Series
LOAD_MODEL Load a BIMETS model description file
LOAD_MODEL_DATA Load time series data into a BIMETS model
LOCS Select Time Series Indices
LONGBASE BIMETS Internal Datasets
MAVE Moving Average
MDL BIMETS Model Description Language
MONTHLY Monthly Time Series (Dis)Aggregation
MOVAVG Moving Average
MOVSUM Moving Sum
MOVTOT Moving Sum
MSUM Moving Sum
MTOT Moving Sum
MULTMATRIX Compute the multiplier matrix of a BIMETS model
NAMELIST Named List of Time Series
NOELS Count Elements
normalizeYP Normalize Year-Period Array
NUMPERIOD Distance Between Two Year-Periods
OPTIMIZE Optimal control of a BIMETS model
print Print basic information about a BIMETS model
print.BIMETS_MODEL Print basic information about a BIMETS model
QUARTERLY Quarterly (Dis)Aggregation
RENORM Endogenous targeting of a BIMETS model.
SEMIANNUAL Semiannual (Dis)Aggregation
setBIMETSconf BIMETS Global Options Configuration
SIMULATE Simulation of a BIMETS model
STOCHSIMULATE Stochastic simulation of a BIMETS model
summary Print basic information about a BIMETS model
summary.BIMETS_MODEL Print basic information about a BIMETS model
TABIT Print Time Series Data
TIMESERIES Create a Time Series
TSDATES Get Time Series Year-Period
TSDELTA Time Series Lag Differences (Delta)
TSDELTALOG Time Series Lag Logarithmic Differences
TSDELTAP Time Series Percentage Lag Differences (Delta Percentage)
TSERIES Create a Time Series
TSEXTEND Extend Time Series
TSINFO Get Time Series Info
TSJOIN Join Time Series
TSLAG Lag Time Series
TSLEAD Lead Time Series
TSLOOK Lookup a Time Series
TSMERGE Merge Time Series
TSPROJECT Project a Time series
TSTRIM Trim a Time Series
VERIFY_MAGNITUDE Time Series Magnitude Test
YEARLY Annual Time Series (Dis)Aggregation
ym2yp yearmon to Year-Period Conversion
yq2yp yearqtr to Year-Period Conversion