tryStack {berryFunctions}R Documentation

try an expression, returning the error stack


As in try, the result of an expression if it works. If it fails, execution is not halted, but an invisible try-error class object is returned and (unless silent=TRUE) a message catted to the console.
Unlike try, tryStack also returns the calling stack to trace errors and warnings and ease debugging.


  silent = FALSE,
  warn = TRUE,
  short = TRUE,
  file = "",
  removetry = TRUE,
  skip = NULL



Expression to try, potentially wrapped in curly braces if spanning several commands.


Logical: Should printing of error message + stack be suppressed? Does not affect warnings and messages. DEFAULT: FALSE


Logical: trace warnings and messages also? They are still handled like regular warnings / messages unless file !="", when they are catted into that file. DEFAULT: TRUE


Logical: should trace be abbreviated to upper -> middle -> lower? If NA, it is set to TRUE for warnings and messages, FALSE for errors. DEFAULT: TRUE


File name passed to cat. If given, Errors will be appended to the file after two empty lines. if warn=T and file!="", warnings and messages will not be shown, but also appended to the file. This is useful in lapply simulation runs. DEFAULT: "" (catted to the console)


Logical: should all stack entries matching typical tryCatch expressions be removed? Unless the call contains customized tryCatch code, this can be left to the DEFAULT: TRUE


Character string(s) to be removed from the stack. e.g. "eval(expr, p)". Use short=F to find exact matches. DEFAULT: NULL


Value of expr if evaluated successfully. If not, an invisible object of class "try-error" as in try with the stack in object[2]. For nested tryStack calls, object[3], object[4] etc. will contain "– empty error stack –"


Berry Boessenkool,, Nov 2016

See Also

try, traceCall,,,,


# Functions -----

lower <- function(a) {message("fake message, a = ", a); a+10}
middle <- function(b) {plot(b, main=b) ; warning("fake warning, b = ", b); lower(b) }
upper <- function(c) {cat("printing c:", c, "\n") ; middle(c)}
d <- upper(42)

# Classical error management with try -----

is.error( d <- upper("42"), TRUE, TRUE) # error, no d creation
traceback()                     # calling stack, but only in interactive mode

d <- try(upper("42"), silent=TRUE)      # d created
cat(d)                                  # with error message, but no traceback
inherits(d, "try-error")                # use for coding

# way cooler with tryStack -----

d <- tryStack(upper("42") ) # like try, but with traceback, even for warnings
d <- tryStack(upper("42"), silent=TRUE, warn=0) # don't trace warnings
d <- tryStack(upper("42"), short=FALSE)

tryStack(upper(42)) # returns normal output, but warnings are easier to debug
# Note: you can also set options(showWarnCalls=TRUE)

stopifnot(inherits(d, "try-error"))

## Not run:  ## file writing not wanted by CRAN checks
d <- tryStack(upper("42"), silent=TRUE, file="log.txt")

## End(Not run)

op <- options(warn=2)
d <- try(upper("42") )
d <- tryStack(upper("42") )
d <- tryStack(upper("42"), warn=FALSE)
options(op) ; rm(op)

# Nested calls -----

f <- function(k) tryStack(upper(k), silent=TRUE)
d <- f(42)                 ; cat("-----\n", d, "\n-----\n") ; rm(d)
d <- f("42")               ; cat("-----\n", d, "\n-----\n") ; rm(d)
d <- tryStack(f(4) )       ; cat("-----\n", d, "\n-----\n") ; rm(d)
# warnings in nested calls are printed twice, unless warn=0
d <- tryStack(f(4), warn=0) # could also be set within 'f'

d <- tryStack(f("4"))      ; cat("-----\n", d, "\n-----\n")
d[1:3] ; rm(d)
# empty stack at begin - because of tryStack in f, no real error happened in f

# Other tests -----

cat( tryStack(upper("42")) )
f <- function(k) tryStack(stop("oh oh"))
d <- f(42) ; cat("-----\n", d, "\n-----\n") ; rm(d) # level 4 not helpful, but OK

# stuff with base::try
f <- function(k) try(upper(k), silent=TRUE)
d <- f(42)     ; cat("-----\n", d, "\n-----\n") ; rm(d)
d <- f("42")   ; cat("-----\n", d, "\n-----\n") ; rm(d) # regular try output

f2 <- function(k) tryStack(f(k), warn=0, silent=TRUE)
d <- f2(42)    ; cat("-----\n", d, "\n-----\n") ; rm(d)
d <- f2("42")  ; cat("-----\n", d, "\n-----\n") ; rm(d) # try -> no error.
# -> Use tryCatch and you can nest those calls. note that d gets longer.

[Package berryFunctions version 1.22.5 Index]