benthos-package {benthos}R Documentation

Marine Benthic Ecosystem Analysis


benthos provides functions for facilitating the analysis of marine benthos data. Examples are indicators like species abundance, species richness, Margalef's index of diversity, Shannon's Entropy, AZTI's Marine Biotic Index, and the Infaunal Trophic Index (ITI). In addition functions for data pooling, genus-to-species conversion and validation and conversion of species names to those recommended by the World Register of Marine Species are provided.


All functions are designed to work seamlessly with the dplyr-package which implements a grammar for structured data manimpulation.

The benthos-package contains functions for estimating various species abundance, species richness, species heterogeneity and species sensitivity measures:

In addition, functions are available for data preparation, e.g.:

For an overview of all the functions in the package click on the index link at the bottom of this page.


Dennis Walvoort

See Also

The BEQI2-package on CRAN, and the package vignettes.

[Package benthos version 1.3-8 Index]