{bentcableAR}R Documentation

Bent-Cable Regression for Independent and Autoregressive Data


These two functions are the main interfaces in the bentcableAR package. They perform bent-cable (including broken-stick) regression to AR(p) time-series data or independent data (time-series or otherwise) and produce diagnostic plots. Confidence intervals for the critical time point (CTP) are included in some cases.

Usage, tgdev = NULL, p = 0, stick = FALSE, t.vect = NULL,
	init.cable = NULL, init.phi = NULL, tol = 1e-04,
	method0 = "css", method1 = "yw", ci.level = 0.95,
	main = NULL), gamma.vect = NULL, y.vect, t.vect = NULL,
	stick = FALSE, p = 0)



A numeric vector of response data.


A numeric vector of design points, which MUST be equidistant with unit increments if p>0 is assumed. They need not be equidistant for independent data. Specifying t.vect=NULL is equivalent to specifying the default time points c(0,1,2,...). Also see Warnings below.

tau.vect, gamma.vect

Numeric vectors specifying a (τ,γ)(\tau,\gamma)-grid over which the bent-cable profile deviance surface / function is to be evaluated. If stick=TRUE, then gamma.vect is overwritten by c(0) in


A object. An error results if this is supplied together with init.cable or init.phi.


The autoregressive order (non-negative integer). p=0 specifies independent data that may or may not be from a time series context.


A logical value; if TRUE then a broken stick (i.e. bent cable with γ\gamma=0.) is fitted. Also see gamma.vect above.


A numeric vector of initial values for the bent-cable parameters. If stick=FALSE, then init.cable should have the form c(b0,b1,b2,tau,gamma,...). If stick=TRUE, then init.cable should have the form c(b0,b1,b2,tau,...). In either case, ... will be ignored. An error results if this is supplied together with tgdev.


A numeric vector of initial values for the AR coefficients. If not provided, then a default value is assigned, consisting of the first p elements of the vector c(0.5,-0.5,0.5,-0.5,...). When provided and its dimension does not match p, then the function determines which to reject depending on the situation, and reports its decision in the screen output. An error results if this is supplied together with tgdev.


Tolerance for determining convergence.

method0, method1

The fitting method when p>0. "css" stands for conditional sum-of-squares and corresponds to conditional maximum likelihood. "yw" stands for Yule-Walker, and "mle" for (full) maximum likelihood estimation. If method0 fails to converge, then method1 is attempted.


A numeric value between 0 and 1, exclusive. Used to compute the CTP confidence interval when p is greater than 0. See cable.change.conf and Warnings below.


A title for the set of diagnostic plots.

Details involves bent-cable regression assuming a known transition. It plots a profile deviance surface over a fixed grid (see References). It also returns the grid and the profile deviance surface matrix, which can be used to generate initial values for an overall bent-cable regression (no known parameters). is used mainly for overall bent-cable regression, with one exception. Different scenarios determine the behaviour of, as follows.

(1) Independent data and tgdev is supplied. In this case, calls which identifies the best grid-based fit from tgdev, then feeds it through an internal engine or that performs overall bent-cable regression. This best fit is returned but not plotted, and the autocorrelation is diagnosed (even for non-time-series data) by a PACF plot and a suggested value of p based on the AIC (see ar). As stated in the screen output, these diagnostics should be used only for time-series data, where the returned best AR(0) estimates are intended to be supplied as init.cable in a subsequent call of for an AR(p>0) fit. To produce a plot of the returned best AR(0) fit and/or the corresponding CTP confidence interval, the user can supply the returned parameter estimates as init.cable in another call of with p=0 (see Scenario (3)).

(2) AR(p>0) data and tgdev is supplied. In this case, no graphics are produced; simply locates the highest point on the grid-based profile deviance surface and returns the corresponding (crude) parameter estimates to be used as init.cable and init.phi in subsequent overall bent-cable fits. If multiple peaks exist (such as along a ridge), then only that at the smallest τ\tau and smallest γ\gamma is used.

(3) Independent data (time series or otherwise) and init.cable are supplied. In this case, performs overall bent-cable regression and produces a scatterplot of the data superimposed with the best fit and estimated transition. For time series data where the CTP is applicable (see Warnings), the CTP confidence interval is additionally computed and superimposed in blue. No other plots are produced. Since init.cable is supposed to have come from a reasonable source (such as grid-based), this fit is not intended to be fed to another round of, except when the user wishes to explore using a positive p (but this should be performed in conjunction with another round of grid-based approach in Scenario (2)).

(4) AR(p>0) data and init.cable are supplied. In this case, computes the overall bent-cable fit and CTP confidence interval (see cable.change.conf). Also included are the following diagnostics: a scatterplot of the data superimposed with the best fit and estimated transition (τγ,τ,τ+γ)(\tau-\gamma,\tau,\tau+\gamma) (in red) and the CTP confidence interval (in blue, if it exists - see Warnings), and ACF and PACF plots for the fitted residuals and innovations (see for their difference). Since init.cable is supposed to have come from a reasonable source (such as grid-based), this fit is not intended to be fed to another round of, except when the user wishes to explore using an alternative p (but this should be performed in conjunction with another round of grid-based approach in Scenario (1) or (2)), or when the "css" algorithm fails to converge but the SSE value is desired (see Details).

Below is a summary of the bent-cable regression methodology, and how one may apply it by using the bentcableAR package.

The bent cable is a linear-quadratic-linear function, where the quadratic bend is regarded as the transition from the incoming linear phase to the outgoing linear phase. A bent cable has the form f(t)=b0+b1t+b2q(t)f(t) = b_0 + b_1 t + b_2 q(t), where q(t)q(t) is the basic bent cable with incoming slope 0 and outgoing slope 1, and a quadratic bend that is centred at τ\tau with half-width γ0\gamma\ge 0:

q(t)=(tτ+γ)24γI{tτγ}+(tτ)I{t>τ+γ}.q(t)=\frac{(t-\tau+\gamma)^2}{4\gamma} I\{|t-\tau|\le\gamma\} + (t-\tau) I\{t>\tau+\gamma\}.

The broken stick is a special bent cable with no quadratic bend (i.e. γ\gamma=0). The term bent-cable regression implicitly includes broken-stick regression.

For independent data (time series or otherwise), bent-cable regression by maximum likelihood is performed via nonlinear least-squares estimation of θ=(b0,b1,b2,τ,γ)\theta=(b_0,b_1,b_2,\tau,\gamma). For AR(p) data, the AR coefficients are ϕ=(ϕ1,ϕ2,,ϕp)\phi=(\phi_1,\phi_2,\ldots,\phi_p), and conditional maximum likelihood (CML) estimation of (θ,ϕ)(\theta,\phi) (conditioned on the first p data points) is performed by nonlinear conditional least squares (i.e. minimizing the conditional sum-of-squares error (SSE)). In this time-series context, time points are assumed to be equidistant with unit increments.

Minimization of the (conditional) SSE is specified as "css" by default for method0. However, "css" sometimes fails to converge, or the resulting ϕ\phi estimate sometimes corresponds to non-stationarity. In this case, the alternative estimation approach specified for method1 is attempted. "mle" specifies the CML-ML hybrid algorithm, and "yw" the CML-ML-MM hybrid algorithm (MM stands for method of moments; see References.) Both "yw" and "mle" guarantee stationarity, but often take much longer than "css" to converge.

Due to nonlinearity, initial values must be supplied for proper parameter estimation. Also, bent-cable regression is a notoriously irregular estimation problem (due to low-order differentiability), and the estimation algorithms (mainly the built-in R functions nls and optim) may fail to converge from initial values that are unrefined guesses of the parameters. When this happens, the user is advised to generate an initial value from a grid-based procedure.

The grid-based procedure involves specifying a (τ,γ)(\tau,\gamma)-grid over which the bent-cable profile deviance surface is evaluated and plotted, such as by At each grid point, the transition is fixed, and bent-cable regression involves only linear parameters b0,b1,b2b_0, b_1, b_2 and AR coefficients ϕ\phi, all of which can be estimated using standard time-series algorithms (mainly the built-in R functions ar and arima). Regression at each grid point yields a point on the profile deviance surface. The grid point at which the profile deviance is maximum corresponds to a bent-cable fit (given a known transition) that is best among the specified grid points. Thus, for a high-resolution grid, this best grid point together with the corresponding estimates of b0,b1,b2b_0, b_1, b_2 and ϕ\phi may be regarded as the ML or CML estimate for the model. However, high-resolution grid-based estimation may be computationally infeasible. Instead, the best grid point on a coarser grid can give good initial values for the true ML or CML estimate that is trapped between grid points.

However, the true ML or CML estimate may not easily come by even with good initial values. Irregularity of bent-cable regression often manifests itself in the form of multiple peaks on the deviance surface. Thus, the user should be aware of different local maxima on which the optimization algorithm can converge despite initial values for θ\theta that are very similar. The user is advised to combine several exploratory analyses as well as model diagnoses before settling on a best fit.

For example, one may first fix p=0 as the AR order, then use to conduct a visual inspection of the profile deviance surface over a fine (τ,γ)(\tau,\gamma)-grid. This is to identify the neighbourhood of the global maximum for p=0. If necessary, one can zoom in to this neighbourhood by placing over it an even finer grid to hone the grid-based approximation. The resulting object can then be fed to to produce a best overall fit for the AR(0) assumption in that neighbourhood. If p=0 is deemed inadequate based on the diagnostics, then the regression must now be repeated for a newly chosen p. Since the bent-cable parameter estimates will differ for different values of p, the earlier AR(0) estimates may or may not be good initial values for this new AR(p) fit. The user is advised to try several additional initial values, possibly repeating the grid-based procedure, but this time using the new p. To further screen out local maxima, the SSE values for these AR(p) fits (with common p) should be compared. For a "css" fit, the SSE is stored in $cable$$value of the returned object. The SSE is not directly retrievable for a "yw" or "mle" fit, but the user can apply the estimates returned in $cable$est as the initial values to a subsequent "yw" fit, and the SSE will appear in the screen output as initial value while the "css" algorithm iterates.

As with any numerical optimization procedure, there is no guarantee that the fit observed to have the smallest SSE value indeed corresponds to the global maximum.



An object that is compatible with a object. Returned by in Scenarios (3) and (4). Note the different components of cable depending on the scenario. See and


A cable.change.conf object, if the CTP is successfully estimated; returned by in Scenarios (3) and (4). This object has three components: the CTP estimate, its estimated asymptotic variance, and the corresponding Wald confidence interval.


Returned by in Scenarios (1) and (2). In (1), the returned object is a object (largely compatible with objects); thus, fit is an nls object containing the overall independent-data bent-cable fit. In (2), the returned object is a object; thus, fit is an arima object containing the AR(p>0) bent-cable fit at the known transition grid point. In either scenario, fit is intended to be fed through another round of for subsequent overall AR(p>0) fits.


Returned by in Scenario (2). It is the vector of parameter estimates extracted from fit and intended to be used as initial values in subsequent calls to for overall bent-cable regression.

y, t, n, p, stick

Returned by explicitly in Scenario (1) (but embedded in cable of Scenarios (3) and (4)). They are y.vect, t.vect, n, p, and stick as supplied by the user.

dev, tau, gamma

Returned by Note that dev is a object, i.e. a matrix of profile deviance values evaluated at the grid specified by tau and gamma.


For time-series data, t.vect MUST be equidistant with unit increments; otherwise, these functions will return meaningless values. (For independent data, t.vect can be non-equidistant.)

Computations for the CTP estimate and confidence interval are based on a time vector of the form c(0,1,2,...). For any other form for the time vector, the CTP will not be computed, and on-screen warnings will appear. To ensure compatibility between the model fit and CTP estimates, the user is advised to fit the model using the default time vector. Then, if necessary, the user may transform the results to the preferred time scale after the model and CTP estimates have been produced.

The above computational issue implies that the CTP cannot be computed for non-time-series data. Rationale: In a non-time-series context design points are often non-equidistant, and the cable's slope often never changes sign; even with a sign change, the point at which this takes place may be less interpretable. In such a context, the user is advised to rely on confidence regions for (τ,γ)(\tau,\gamma) (see References).


The major engines for are and The computational engines for are,,, and cable.change.conf, while the plotting engine is Although these and other lesser functions are called internally by the two main interfaces described here, they can be used as stand-alone functions, and the user is advised to refer to their documentation. Type library(help="bentcableAR") for a full list of available functions.


Grace Chiu


Chiu, G.S. and Lockhart, R.A. (2010), Bent-Cable Regression with Autoregressive Noise, Canadian Journal of Statistics, 38, 386–407. DOI: 10.1002/cjs.10070. URL:

Chiu, G., Lockhart, R. and Routledge, R. (2006), Bent-Cable Regression Theory and Applications, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 101, 542–553. DOI: 10.1198/016214505000001177. URL:

See Also

cable.lines, lm, nls, optim, ar, arima, plot, par, contour, persp


## Not run: 

# Scenario (1)

# independent non-time-series cable:

data(stagnant) seq(-1,1,length=20),
	seq(.1,1,length=20), stagnant$loght, stagnant$logflow )

	# zoom in to global max
	dev0 <- seq(-.04,.16,length=20), 
		seq(.2,.65,length=20), stagnant$loght, stagnant$logflow )
			# locally smooth deviance surface

	cable <- stagnant$loght, tgdev=dev0, t.vect=stagnant$logflow )
		# ignore time-series diagnostics
		# local regularity - expect to be true best fit
		# SSE=0.005
		# feed 'cable' in Scenario (3) to get fitted plot:
		# cable$y, init.cable=coef(cable$fit),
		#		t.vect=cable$t )

# AR(0) stick, start time at 80:
dev0 <- seq(85,97,length=15), 0,
	sockeye$logReturns, sockeye$year, TRUE )  # obvious global max
stick0 <- sockeye$logReturns, tgdev=dev0, stick=TRUE,
	t.vect=sockeye$year )
		# local regularity - should be true best fit
		# SSE=8.85
		# diagnostics: take p=0 to 4 ??

# AR(0) cable, start at time 0: seq(1,20,length=25), 
	seq(.1,15,length=25), sockeye$logReturns )

	# zoom in to global max
	dev0 <- seq(10,15,length=25),
		seq(2,10,length=20), sockeye$logReturns )
			# surface has ridge - expect some trouble locating true peak

	cable0 <- sockeye$logReturns, tgdev=dev0 )
		# apparent best AR(0) fit: SSE=8.68
		# diagnostics: take p=2 to 6

		# compare to this:
		# dev1 <- seq(10,15,length=25),
		#	seq(2,10,length=15), sockeye$logReturns )
		# sockeye$logReturns, tgdev=dev1 ) # SSE=8.683
		#	# not an obvious local max!

		# feed 'cable0' in Scenario (3) to get fitted plot:
		# cable0$y, init.cable=coef(cable0$fit) )

## End(Not run)

# Scenario (2)


# AR(2) cable, start time at 0: seq(6,18,length=15),
	seq(.01,12,length=15), sockeye$logReturns, p=2 )

	# zoom in to global max
	dev2 <- seq(10,12,length=15),
		seq(1,5,length=15), sockeye$logReturns, p=2 )

	# best grid-based fit
	gr.cable2 <- sockeye$logReturns, tgdev=dev2, p=2 )
		# to be used in Scenario (4)
		# local regularity - expect little trouble

# AR(2) stick, start time at 80: seq(86,98,length=15), y.vect=sockeye$logReturns, 
	p=2, stick=TRUE, t.vect=sockeye$year )

	# zoom in to global max
	dev3 <- seq(88.5,93,length=25),
		p=2, stick=TRUE, t.vect=sockeye$year )
			# camel hump - double peaks!

	# best grid-based fit
	gr.stick2 <- sockeye$logReturns, tgdev=dev3, p=2, stick=TRUE,
		t.vect=sockeye$year )
			# irregularity - expect some trouble if used in Scenario (4)

## Not run: 

# AR(4) cable, start time at 0: seq(6,18,length=15), seq(.01,12,length=15), 
	sockeye$logReturns, p=4 )

	# zoom in to global max
	dev4 <- seq(10,12,length=15),
		seq(1,7,length=25), sockeye$logReturns, p=4 )
			# slight ridge

	# best grid-based fit
	gr.cable4 <- sockeye$logReturns, tgdev=dev4, p=4 )
		# to be used in Scenario (4)
		# will ridge be problem???

# Scenario (3)

# independent non-time-series cable:

data(stagnant) stagnant$loght, t.vect=stagnant$logflow,
	init.cable=c(.6,-.4,-.7,0,.5) )   # SSE=0.005
		# identical to 'cable' in Scenario (1)
		# no irregularity, no ambiguity!

# AR(0) stick, start time at 80: sockeye$logReturns, init.cable=c(10,.1,-.5,90),
	stick=TRUE, t.vect=sockeye$year )
		# identical to 'stick0' in Scenario (1)
		# local regularity, no trouble

# AR(0) stick, start time at 0: sockeye$logReturns, init.cable=coef(cable0$fit)[1:5],
	stick=TRUE )
		# identical to 'cable0' in Scenario (1)
		# here you get plot of fit and CTP confidence interval

## End(Not run)

# Scenario (4)

# AR(2) cable, start time at 0:
# use 'gr.cable2' from Scenario (2)
cable2 <- sockeye$logReturns,
	init.cable=gr.cable2$init[1:5], init.phi=gr.cable2$init[-c(1:5)] )
		# "css" successful
		# best AR(2) fit, SSE=4.868
	# compare to this:
	# sockeye$logReturns,
	#	init.cable=c(13,.1,-.5,11,4), p=2 )
			# "css" successful, same SSE, virtually same fit
			# recall local regularity from 'dev2'

# AR(2) stick, start time at 80:
# use 'gr.stick2' from Scenario (2)
stick2 <- sockeye$logReturns, init.cable=gr.stick2$init[1:4],
		init.phi=gr.stick2$init[-c(1:4)], stick=TRUE, t.vect=sockeye$year )
			# "css" successful, best AR(2) fit, SSE=5.0

			# compare this to the other peak shown in 'dev3'
			# sockeye$logReturns,
			#	init.cable=c(10,0,-.5,91.5), p=2, stick=TRUE,
			#		t.vect=sockeye$year )
						# "css" successful, SSE=5.1, not best fit!

## Not run: 

# AR(4) cable, start time at 0:
cable4 <- sockeye$logReturns,
	init.cable=gr.cable4$init[1:5], init.phi=gr.cable4$init[-c(1:5)] )
		# "css" unsuccessful, switched to "yw"
		# feed 'cable4' in Scenario (4) to get SSE from screen output: cable4$cable$y, init.cable=cable4$cable$est[1:5],
			init.phi=cable4$cable$est[-c(1:5)] )
				# SSE=2.47 from screen output

## End(Not run)

[Package bentcableAR version 0.3.1 Index]