Visually Learning the Graphical Structure of Bayesian Networks and Performing MCMC with 'Stan'

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Documentation for package ‘bayesvl’ version 0.8.5

Help Pages

bayesvl-package BayesVL package for Bayesian statistical analyses in R
bayesvl BayesVL package for Bayesian statistical analyses in R
bayesvl bnlearn bnlearn interface for bayesvl objects
bayesvl bnlearn utilities bnlearn interface for bayesvl objects
bayesvl graph utilities Utilities to manipulate graphs
bayesvl graphs Utilities to manipulate graphs
bayesvl plot utilities Plot utilities for bayesvl objects
bayesvl plots Plot utilities for bayesvl objects
bayesvl stan Build RStan models from directed acyclic graph
bayesvl stan utilities Build RStan models from directed acyclic graph
bayesvl-class Class 'bayesvl': object class of bayesvl model
bvl_addArc Utilities to manipulate graphs
bvl_addArc-method Class 'bayesvl': object class of bayesvl model
bvl_addNode Utilities to manipulate graphs
bvl_addNode-method Class 'bayesvl': object class of bayesvl model
bvl_bnBarchart bnlearn interface for bayesvl objects
bvl_bnBarchart-method bnlearn interface for bayesvl objects
bvl_bnBayes bnlearn interface for bayesvl objects
bvl_bnBayes-method bnlearn interface for bayesvl objects
bvl_bnPlot Plot utilities for bayesvl objects
bvl_bnPlot-method bnlearn interface for bayesvl objects
bvl_bnScore bnlearn interface for bayesvl objects
bvl_bnScore-method bnlearn interface for bayesvl objects
bvl_bnStrength bnlearn interface for bayesvl objects
bvl_bnStrength-method bnlearn interface for bayesvl objects
bvl_formula Build RStan models from directed acyclic graph
bvl_model2Stan Build RStan models from directed acyclic graph
bvl_modelFit Build RStan models from directed acyclic graph
bvl_modelFit-method Class 'bayesvl': object class of bayesvl model
bvl_plotAcfs Plot utilities for bayesvl objects
bvl_plotAreas Plot utilities for bayesvl objects
bvl_plotDensity Plot utilities for bayesvl objects
bvl_plotDensity2d Plot utilities for bayesvl objects
bvl_plotDiag Plot utilities for bayesvl objects
bvl_plotGelman Plot utilities for bayesvl objects
bvl_plotGelmans Plot utilities for bayesvl objects
bvl_plotIntervals Plot utilities for bayesvl objects
bvl_plotPairs Plot utilities for bayesvl objects
bvl_plotParams Plot utilities for bayesvl objects
bvl_plotTest Plot utilities for bayesvl objects
bvl_plotTrace Plot utilities for bayesvl objects
bvl_stanParams Build RStan models from directed acyclic graph
bvl_stanParams-method Class 'bayesvl': object class of bayesvl model
bvl_stanPriors Build RStan models from directed acyclic graph
Legends345 Legends345 data
show-method Class 'bayesvl': object class of bayesvl model
summary-method Class 'bayesvl': object class of bayesvl model