Bayesian Mixture Models with JAGS

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Documentation for package ‘bayesmix’ version 0.7-6

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BMMdiag Plot identifiability diagnostics for JAGSrun object
BMMmodel Creates bugs model.
BMMposteriori Plot aposteriori probabilities of data points
BMMpriors Create a 'BMMpriors' object
darwin Differences in heights between plants
fish Fish length data
initsFS Create initial values
JAGScall Call jags
JAGScontrol Control parameters for the sampling.
JAGSrun MCMC sampling of Bayesian models
plot.BMMposteriori Plot a posteriori probabilities of data points
plot.JAGSrun Plot JAGSrun object
print.JAGSmodel Creates bugs model.
print.JAGSrun MCMC sampling of Bayesian models
priorsFish Create list of prior specifications
priorsRaftery Create list of prior specifications
priorsUncertain Create list of prior specifications
randomPermutation Randomly permute segments for MCMC draws
Sort Sort MCMC chains according to certain variables