bayesImageS |
Package bayesImageS |
exactPotts |
Calculate the distribution of the Potts model using a brute force algorithm. |
getBlocks |
Get Blocks of a Graph |
getEdges |
Get Edges of a Graph |
getNeighbors |
Get Neighbours of All Vertices of a Graph |
gibbsGMM |
Fit a mixture of Gaussians to the observed data. |
gibbsNorm |
Fit a univariate normal (Gaussian) distribution to the observed data. |
gibbsPotts |
Fit a hidden Potts model to the observed data, using a fixed value of beta. |
initSedki |
Initialize the ABC algorithm using the method of Sedki et al. (2013) |
mcmcPotts |
Fit the hidden Potts model using a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm. |
mcmcPottsNoData |
Simulate pixel labels using chequerboard Gibbs sampling. |
res |
Simulation from the Potts model using single-site Gibbs updates. |
res2 |
Simulation from the Potts model using single-site Gibbs updates. |
res3 |
Simulation from the Potts model using single-site Gibbs updates. |
res4 |
Simulation from the Potts model using single-site Gibbs updates. |
res5 |
Simulation from the Potts model using single-site Gibbs updates. |
smcPotts |
Fit the hidden Potts model using approximate Bayesian computation with sequential Monte Carlo (ABC-SMC). |
sufficientStat |
Calculate the sufficient statistic of the Potts model for the given labels. |
swNoData |
Simulate pixel labels using the Swendsen-Wang algorithm. |
synth |
Simulation from the Potts model using Swendsen-Wang. |
testResample |
Test the residual resampling algorithm. |