analysis |
Analysis wrapper function |
beta_prior |
Beta prior for for control and treatment group |
binomialBACT |
Binomial counts for Bayesian Adaptive Trials |
binomialdata |
Binomial dataset for analyzing adaptive Bayesian trials |
binomial_analysis |
Analyzing Bayesian trial for binomial counts |
binomial_outcome |
Proportion of an event in control and treatment |
data_binomial |
Data file for binomial analysis |
data_normal |
Data file for normal analysis |
data_survival |
Data file for survival analysis |
enrollment |
Simulating enrollment dates |
enrollment_rate |
Enrollment rate wrapper |
gamma_prior |
Gamma prior for for control and treatment group |
historical_binomial |
Historical data for binomial distribution |
historical_normal |
Historical data for normal distribution |
historical_survival |
Historical data for survival analysis |
hypothesis |
Hypothesis wrapper |
impute |
Imputation wrapper |
normalBACT |
Normal distribution for Bayesian Adaptive Trials |
normaldata |
Gaussian dataset for analyzing adaptive Bayesian trials |
normal_analysis |
Analyzing Bayesian trial for normal mean data |
normal_outcome |
Parameters for treatment and control in normal case |
pw_exp_impute |
Imputes time-to-event outcomes. |
pw_exp_sim |
Simulates time-to-event outcomes. |
randomization |
Randomization allocation |
randomize |
Randomization scheme wrapper |
simulate |
Simulation wrapper for binomial and normal. |
study_details |
Details of the clinical study |
survivalBACT |
Time-to-event outcome for Bayesian Adaptive Trials |
survivaldata |
Time-to-event dataset for analyzing adaptive Bayesian trials |
survival_analysis |
Analyzing Bayesian trial for time-to-event data |
survival_outcome |
Piecewise constant hazard rates and the cutpoint for control and treatment group |