check_mon_within {baskexact}R Documentation

Check Within-Trial Monotonicity


Checks whether the within-trial monotonicity condition holds.


check_mon_within(design, ...)

## S4 method for signature 'OneStageBasket'
  weight_params = list(),
  globalweight_fun = NULL,
  globalweight_params = list(),
  details = TRUE,



An object of class Basket created by setupOneStageBasket or setupTwoStageBasket.


Further arguments.


The sample size per basket.


The posterior probability threshold. See details for more information.


Which function should be used to calculate the pairwise weights.


A list of tuning parameters specific to weight_fun.


Which function should be used to calculate the global weights.


A list of tuning parameters specific to globalweight_fun.


Whether the cases where the monotonicity condition is violated should be returned, in case there are any.


check_mon_within checks whether the within-trial monotonicity condition holds. For a single-stage design with equal prior distributions and equal sample sizes for each basket this condition states that there are no cases where the null hypothesis of a basket is rejected when there is at least one other basket with more observed responses for which the null hypothesis cannot be rejected.

If prune = TRUE then the baskets with an observed number of baskets smaller than the pooled critical value are not borrowed from. The pooled critical value is the smallest integer c for which all null hypotheses can be rejected if the number of responses is exactly c for all baskets.

The function is vectorized, such that vectors can be specified in weight_params and globalweight_params.


If details = FALSE then only a logical value is returned. If details = TRUE then if there are any cases where the within-trial monotonicity condition is violated, a list of these cases and their results are returned. If at least one tuning parameter is a vector, then an array that shows for which combination of parameters the within-trial monotonicity condition holds. In this case, the argument details is ignored.

Methods (by class)


Baumann, L., Krisam, J., & Kieser, M. (2022). Monotonicity conditions for avoiding counterintuitive decisions in basket trials. Biometrical Journal, 64(5), 934-947.


design <- setupOneStageBasket(k = 4, shape1 = 1, shape2 = 1, p0 = 0.2)

# Without vectorization, with details
design <- setupOneStageBasket(k = 4, shape1 = 1, shape2 = 1, p0 = 0.2)
check_mon_within(design = design, n = 24, lambda = 0.99,
  weight_fun = weights_fujikawa, weight_params = list(epsilon = 0.5,
   tau = 0), details = TRUE)

# Vectorized
check_mon_within(design = design, n = 24, lambda = 0.99,
  weight_fun = weights_fujikawa,
  weight_params = list(epsilon = c(0.5, 1),  tau = c(0, 0.2, 0.3)),
  globalweight_fun = globalweights_fix,
  globalweight_params = list(w = c(0.5, 0.7)))

[Package baskexact version 1.0.1 Index]