osdsm {backbone}R Documentation

Extract backbone using the Ordinal Stochastic Degree Sequence Model


osdsm extracts the backbone of a bipartite projection using the Ordinal Stochastic Degree Sequence Model.


  alpha = 0.05,
  trials = NULL,
  missing.as.zero = FALSE,
  signed = FALSE,
  mtc = "none",
  class = "original",
  narrative = FALSE,
  progress = TRUE,



An ordinally weighted bipartite graph, as: (1) an incidence matrix in the form of a matrix or sparse Matrix; (2) an edgelist in the form of a three-column dataframe; (3) an igraph object.


real: significance level of hypothesis test(s)


integer: the number of bipartite graphs generated to approximate the edge weight distribution. If NULL, the number of trials is selected based on alpha (see details)


boolean: should missing edges be treated as edges with zero weight and tested for significance


boolean: TRUE for a signed backbone, FALSE for a binary backbone (see details)


string: type of Multiple Test Correction to be applied; can be any method allowed by p.adjust.


string: the class of the returned backbone graph, one of c("original", "matrix", "Matrix", "igraph", "edgelist"). If "original", the backbone graph returned is of the same class as B.


boolean: TRUE if suggested text & citations should be displayed.


boolean: TRUE if the progress of Monte Carlo trials should be displayed.


optional arguments


The osdsm function compares an edge's observed weight in the projection B*t(B) to the distribution of weights expected in a projection obtained from a random bipartite network where both the rows and the columns contain approximately the same number of each value. The edges in B must be integers, and are assumed to represent an ordinal-level measure such as a Likert scale that starts at 0.

When signed = FALSE, a one-tailed test (is the weight stronger?) is performed for each edge. The resulting backbone contains edges whose weights are significantly stronger than expected in the null model. When signed = TRUE, a two-tailed test (is the weight stronger or weaker?) is performed for each edge. The resulting backbone contains positive edges for those whose weights are significantly stronger, and negative edges for those whose weights are significantly weaker, than expected in the null model.

The p-values used to evaluate the statistical significance of each edge are computed using Monte Carlo methods. The number of trials performed affects the precision of these p-values. This precision impacts the confidence that a given edge's p-value is less than the desired alpha level, and therefore represents a statistically significant edge that should be retained in the backbone. When trials = NULL, trials.needed() is used to estimate the required number of trials to evaluate the statistical significance of an edges' p-values.


If alpha != NULL: Binary or signed backbone graph of class class.

If alpha == NULL: An S3 backbone object containing (1) the weighted graph as a matrix, (2) upper-tail p-values as a matrix, (3, if signed = TRUE) lower-tail p-values as a matrix, (4, if present) node attributes as a dataframe, and (5) several properties of the original graph and backbone model, from which a backbone can subsequently be extracted using backbone.extract().


package: Neal, Z. P. (2022). backbone: An R Package to Extract Network Backbones. PLOS ONE, 17, e0269137. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0269137

osdsm: Neal, Z. P. (2017). Well connected compared to what? Rethinking frames of reference in world city network research. Environment and Planning A, 49, 2859-2877. doi:10.1177/0308518X16631339


#A weighted binary bipartite network of 20 agents & 50 artifacts; agents form two communities
B <- rbind(cbind(matrix(sample(0:3, 250, replace = TRUE, prob = ((1:4)^2)),10),
                 matrix(sample(0:3, 250, replace = TRUE, prob = ((4:1)^2)),10)),
           cbind(matrix(sample(0:3, 250, replace = TRUE, prob = ((4:1)^2)),10),
                 matrix(sample(0:3, 250, replace = TRUE, prob = ((1:4)^2)),10)))

P <- B%*%t(B) #An ordinary weighted projection...
plot(igraph::graph_from_adjacency_matrix(P, mode = "undirected",
                                         weighted = TRUE, diag = FALSE)) #...is a dense hairball

bb <- osdsm(B, alpha = 0.05, narrative = TRUE,  #An oSDSM backbone...
            class = "igraph", trials = 100)
plot(bb) #...is sparse with clear communities

[Package backbone version 2.1.4 Index]