run_auto_mount {babelwhale}R Documentation

Run a containerised command with automatic mounting of files


Similar to run(), but automatically mounts files (and directories) so the user doesn't have to keep track of volumes.


  args = NULL,
  wd = NULL,
  wd_in_container = NULL,
  environment_variables = NULL,
  debug = FALSE,
  verbose = FALSE,
  stdout = "|",
  stderr = "|"



The name of the container, usually the repository name on dockerhub.


Character scalar, the command to run. If you are running .bat or .cmd files on Windows, make sure you read the 'Batch files' section in the process manual page.


Character vector, arguments to the command. Any files or directories that should be mounted must be named "file" (see example).


Local working directory to run command. If specified, the working directory will be mounted to the docker container.


Working directory to run command in the container. Defaults to the working directory mounted to the container (wd).


A character vector of environment variables. Format: c("ENVVAR=VALUE").


If TRUE, a command will be printed that the user can execute to enter the container.


Whether or not to print output


What to do with standard output of the command. Default ("|") means to include it as an item in the results list. If it is the empty string (""), then the child process inherits the standard output stream of the R process. If it is a string other than "|" and "", then it is taken as a file name and the output is redirected to this file.


What to do with standard error of the command. Default ("|") means to include it as an item in the results list. If it is the empty string (""), then the child process inherits the standard error stream of the R process. If it is a string other than "|" and "", then it is taken as a file name and the standard error is redirected to this file.


The main difference to run() is that the use of names for the args; any file (or directory) that should be mounted inside the container must be named file. The other elements (arguments) don't need to be named. Note that it is fine to have multiple elements with the same name (file).

This should generally work as long as the command accepts absolute paths for file input. If that is not the case, use run() instead and specify paths and mounting manually.


List, formatted as output from processx::run()


if (test_docker_installation()) {

# Count the number of lines in the DESCRIPTION and LICENSE
# files of this package
  container_id = "alpine",
  command = "wc",
  args = c("-l",
    file = system.file("DESCRIPTION", package = "babelwhale"),
    file = system.file("LICENSE", package = "babelwhale")


[Package babelwhale version 1.2.0 Index]