nlmixr2Est.pknca {babelmixr2}R Documentation

Estimate starting parameters using PKNCA


Estimate starting parameters using PKNCA


## S3 method for class 'pknca'
nlmixr2Est(env, ...)



Environment for the nlmixr2 estimation routines.

This needs to have:

- rxode2 ui object in '$ui'

- data to fit in the estimation routine in '$data'

- control for the estimation routine's control options in '$ui'


Other arguments provided to 'nlmixr2Est()' provided for flexibility but not currently used inside nlmixr


Parameters are estimated as follows:

The bounds for the parameter estimates are set to 10% of the first percentile and 10 times the 99th percentile. (For ka, the lower bound is set to the lower of 10% of the first percentile or 0.03 and the upper bound is not modified from 10 times the 99th percentile.)

Parameter estimation methods may be changed in a future version.


A model with updated starting parameters. In the model a new element named "nca" will be available which includes the PKNCA results used for the calculation.

[Package babelmixr2 version 0.1.2 Index]