Use 'nlmixr2' to Interact with Open Source and Commercial Software

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Documentation for package ‘babelmixr2’ version 0.1.2

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as.nlmixr Convert an object to a nlmixr2 fit object
as.nlmixr2 Convert an object to a nlmixr2 fit object
bblDatToMonolix Convert nlmixr2-compatible data to other formats (if possible)
bblDatToMrgsolve Convert nlmixr2-compatible data to other formats (if possible)
bblDatToNonmem Convert nlmixr2-compatible data to other formats (if possible)
bblDatToPknca Convert nlmixr2-compatible data to other formats (if possible)
bblDatToRxode Convert nlmixr2-compatible data to other formats (if possible)
getStandardColNames Determine standardized rxode2 column names from data
modelUnitConversion Unit conversion for pharmacokinetic models
monolixControl Monolix Controller for nlmixr2
nlmixr2Est.pknca Estimate starting parameters using PKNCA
nonmemControl NONMEM estimation control
pkncaControl PKNCA estimation control
rxToMonolix Convert RxODE syntax to monolix syntax
rxToNonmem Convert RxODE syntax to NONMEM syntax
simplifyUnit Simplify units by removing repeated units from the numerator and denominator