Convert Dates to Arbitrary Week Definitions

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Documentation for package ‘aweek’ version 1.0.3

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aweek-package Convert dates to weeks and back again
as.aweek Convert characters or dates to aweek objects
as.aweek.aweek Convert characters or dates to aweek objects
as.aweek.character Convert characters or dates to aweek objects
as.aweek.Date Convert characters or dates to aweek objects
as.aweek.default Convert characters or dates to aweek objects
as.aweek.factor Convert characters or dates to aweek objects
as.aweek.NULL Convert characters or dates to aweek objects
as.aweek.POSIXt Convert characters or dates to aweek objects
as.character.aweek Convert aweek objects to characters or dates Convert aweek objects to a data frame
as.Date.aweek Convert aweek objects to characters or dates
as.list.aweek The aweek class
as.POSIXlt.aweek Convert aweek objects to characters or dates
aweek Convert dates to weeks and back again
aweek-class The aweek class
c.aweek The aweek class
change_week_start Change the week start of an aweek object
date2week Convert date to a an arbitrary week definition
factor_aweek Coerce an aweek object to factor to include missing weeks
get_aweek Convert week numbers to dates or aweek objects
get_date Convert week numbers to dates or aweek objects
get_week_start Get and set the global week_start variable
print.aweek The aweek class
rep.aweek The aweek class
set_week_start Get and set the global week_start variable
trunc.aweek The aweek class
week2date Convert date to a an arbitrary week definition
[.aweek The aweek class
[<-.aweek The aweek class
[[.aweek The aweek class