knownOrig {assignR}R Documentation

data: database of H and O isotope data for tissues of known origin


This dataset consists of hydrogen and oxygen isotope values and metadata for human hair, insect wings, and bird feathers of known geographic origin.






SpatVector with 5 fields. WGS84 unprojected geometry.

[, 1]

Site_ID: Unique ID

[, 2]

Site_name: Site name or descriptor

[, 3]

State: State or province of collection site, where recorded

[, 4]

Country: Country of collection site, where recorded

[, 5]

Site_comments: Site comments


data.frame with 15 fields.

[, 1]

Sample_ID: Unique ID

[, 2]

Sample_ID_orig: ID used in original data report

[, 3]

Site_ID: ID for sample collection site

[, 4]

Dataset_ID: ID for dataset from which sample is derived

[, 5]

Taxon: Genus and species name

[, 6]

Group: Biological group (informal)

[, 7]

Source_quality: Code indicating level of certainty in geographic origin

[, 8]

Age_class: Code for age of individual

[, 9]

Material_type: Tissue sampled, e.g., “Hair”

[, 10]

Matrix: Compound measured, e.g., “Keratin”

[, 11]

d2H: Hydrogen isotope value (permil)

[, 12] Reported analytical uncertainty for hydrogen isotope value (permil)

[, 13]

d18O: Oxygen isotope value (permil)

[, 14] Reported analytical uncertainty for oxygen isotope value (permil)

[, 15]

Sample_comments: Sample comments


data.frame with 17 fields.

[, 1]

Dataset_ID: Unique ID

[, 2]

Dataset_name: Short name or descriptor

[, 3]

Citation: Bibliographic citation for study

[, 4]

Sampling_method: How material was subsampled for analysis, if reported

[, 5]

Sample_powdered: Was sample powdered prior to analysis (Y/N/NA)?

[, 6]

Lipid_extraction: Were lipids chemically extracted prior to analysis (Y/N/NA)?

[, 7]

Lipid_extraction_method: Solvent used to extract lipids

[, 8]

Exchange: Was a correction for exchangeable H made (Y/N/NA)?

[, 9]

Exchange_method: Method used to correct for exchangeable H

[, 10]

Exchange_T: Was H exchange carried out at ambient or high temperature (Ambient/High/NA)?

[, 11]

H_cal: Reference scale used to calibrate H isotope data, see stds object hstds

[, 12]

O_cal: Reference scale used to calibrate O isotope data, see stds object ostds

[, 13]

Std_powdered: Were calibration standards powdered (Y/N/NA)?

[, 14]

Drying: Did the study document how samples were fully dried and transferred dry to instrument (Y/N/NA)?

[, 15]

Analysis_method: Instrument configuration used for analysis

[, 16]

Analysis_type: What elements were analyzed for stable isotope ratios (H/O/H_O)?

[, 17]

Source_comments: Data source comments

See Also




class(knownOrig$samples); class(knownOrig$sources)


print(knownOrig$sources[, 1:2])

plot(wrld_simpl, border = "grey")

[Package assignR version 2.4.0 Index]