knownOrig {assignR} | R Documentation |
data: database of H and O isotope data for tissues of known origin
This dataset consists of hydrogen and oxygen isotope values and metadata for human hair, insect wings, and bird feathers of known geographic origin.
- sites
SpatVector with 5 fields. WGS84 unprojected geometry.
- [, 1]
Site_ID: Unique ID
- [, 2]
Site_name: Site name or descriptor
- [, 3]
State: State or province of collection site, where recorded
- [, 4]
Country: Country of collection site, where recorded
- [, 5]
Site_comments: Site comments
- samples
data.frame with 15 fields.
- [, 1]
Sample_ID: Unique ID
- [, 2]
Sample_ID_orig: ID used in original data report
- [, 3]
Site_ID: ID for sample collection site
- [, 4]
Dataset_ID: ID for dataset from which sample is derived
- [, 5]
Taxon: Genus and species name
- [, 6]
Group: Biological group (informal)
- [, 7]
Source_quality: Code indicating level of certainty in geographic origin
- [, 8]
Age_class: Code for age of individual
- [, 9]
Material_type: Tissue sampled, e.g., “Hair”
- [, 10]
Matrix: Compound measured, e.g., “Keratin”
- [, 11]
d2H: Hydrogen isotope value (permil)
- [, 12] Reported analytical uncertainty for hydrogen isotope value (permil)
- [, 13]
d18O: Oxygen isotope value (permil)
- [, 14] Reported analytical uncertainty for oxygen isotope value (permil)
- [, 15]
Sample_comments: Sample comments
- sources
data.frame with 17 fields.
- [, 1]
Dataset_ID: Unique ID
- [, 2]
Dataset_name: Short name or descriptor
- [, 3]
Citation: Bibliographic citation for study
- [, 4]
Sampling_method: How material was subsampled for analysis, if reported
- [, 5]
Sample_powdered: Was sample powdered prior to analysis (Y/N/NA)?
- [, 6]
Lipid_extraction: Were lipids chemically extracted prior to analysis (Y/N/NA)?
- [, 7]
Lipid_extraction_method: Solvent used to extract lipids
- [, 8]
Exchange: Was a correction for exchangeable H made (Y/N/NA)?
- [, 9]
Exchange_method: Method used to correct for exchangeable H
- [, 10]
Exchange_T: Was H exchange carried out at ambient or high temperature (Ambient/High/NA)?
- [, 11]
H_cal: Reference scale used to calibrate H isotope data, see
object hstds- [, 12]
O_cal: Reference scale used to calibrate O isotope data, see
object ostds- [, 13]
Std_powdered: Were calibration standards powdered (Y/N/NA)?
- [, 14]
Drying: Did the study document how samples were fully dried and transferred dry to instrument (Y/N/NA)?
- [, 15]
Analysis_method: Instrument configuration used for analysis
- [, 16]
Analysis_type: What elements were analyzed for stable isotope ratios (H/O/H_O)?
- [, 17]
Source_comments: Data source comments
See Also
class(knownOrig$samples); class(knownOrig$sources)
print(knownOrig$sources[, 1:2])
plot(wrld_simpl, border = "grey")